6343 results found
Health topics
… Overview You can use a dilute bleach bath to help heal your eczema (atopic dermatitis) rash if you have skin … not be helpful for everyone who has eczema. So talk with your doctor before you try this treatment. You will need: … Do not use bleach baths if there are open or raw areas on your skin. This may cause burning or stinging. Do …
Health topics
… help, and memorize the phone number. Be careful online too. Your online activity may be seen by others. Do not use your personal computer or device to read about this topic. … for resources on getting help in your area. Domestic Abuse Current as …
Health topics
… training will give you numbing medicine. It's given near your spinal cord and the nerves around it. You may get this medicine for a procedure on the lower part of your body. One example is a surgery on your lower belly, … back. Then the doctor will put a needle into the numbed area. For spinal anesthesia, you'll get a shot of numbing …
Health topics
… part on the type of tear and how bad the tear is. Work with your doctor to plan a rehabilitation (rehab) program that helps you regain as much strength and flexibility in your knee as possible. Your rehab program probably will … back of the thigh (hamstrings), calf, and hip. All of these areas are important for your overall leg function while your …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Talk to your doctor about whether you or your family is at risk for lead poisoning. During a routine … can provide information on testing recommendations in your area. Health Screening: Finding Health …
Health topics
… Get organized. Find a daily organizer or planner that fits your needs. Write notes in your organizer about your appointments and other things you … be an important part of being organized. Set up your work area so that there are fewer distractions. You may find …
Health topics
… an interruption in pain signals and reduce pain in that area. Nerve ablation can be done in different ways. For … ablation, cryoablation, neurotomy, or rhizotomy. Your doctor will first identify the nerve or nerves that are sending pain signals to your brain. You will have a test that uses a nerve block , …
Health topics
… very rare. If you have tight muscles or muscles that spasm, your health care provider may first use heat, ultrasound, or electrical current. This helps relax your muscles before you receive spinal manipulation. How … uses their hands or a device to apply pressure to an area of your spine. Some people call this "cracking" your …
Medical tests
… Rh-sensitized and you are carrying an Rh-positive fetus, your immune system can attack the fetus's red blood cells. … cell count and oxygen level. It also looks for signs that your immune system is destroying fetal red blood cells. How … of medicine that temporarily stops movement. A small area of your belly is numbed with an injection of local …
Health topics
… that can range from mild to severe. What causes it? As your body ages, the discs between the bones of the spine … tingling, weakness, or an aching, shooting pain in your buttock and leg. How is it diagnosed? Lumbar … stenosis . In some cases, a shot of medicine in the joint area may offer short-term relief. For a severe problem, …