6343 results found
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… surgery because months or years after cataract surgery, your vision may get fuzzy again. This happens when a membrane in your eye, called the posterior capsule, becomes cloudy. This … To Expect You may have to wait in the outpatient surgery area or the doctor's office for 1 to 2 hours. This is so the …
Health topics
… injury prevention involves just a few simple steps so that your child can enjoy physical activity safely. Injury … prepared and strong enough for. Activities that use your child’s own body weight in short bursts – like monkey … environment It’s also important for children to: Play in areas that are free of hazards such as broken equipment, …
Health topics
… that can range from mild to severe. What causes it? As your body ages, the discs between the bones of the spine … tingling, weakness, or an aching, shooting pain in your arm or leg. How is it diagnosed? Cervical spondylosis … stenosis . In some cases, a shot of medicine in the joint area may offer short-term relief. For a severe problem, …
Health topics
… with a smaller device if you have eczema in a limited area. Treatment is usually several times a week at first. Once your eczema is doing better, you may have treatment less … people are able to do the treatment at home. To keep yourself safe, carefully follow all of your doctor's …
Health topics
… formed, it will not heal as long as weight-bearing on the area continues. Unless your foot ulcer is infected, your doctor may put a cast on your leg to help the ulcer …
Health topics
… Speech and language development milestones relate to two areas: Receptive language. This is the ability to understand … 3-year-olds: Follow two-part requests, such as "put your pyjamas in the hamper and your slippers in the closet." Learn new words quickly; know …
Health topics
… and other symptoms of a bladder or kidney infection, call your doctor. An ectopic pregnancy (tubal pregnancy or … occurs when a fertilized egg attaches (implants) to an area outside of the uterus . Belly or pelvic pain that … such as preterm labour or abruptio placenta . Call your doctor for instructions if you have moderate to severe …
Health topics
… than in others. Other things that affect the severity of your reaction include: Your size, age, and general health. The location and how much of your body (surface area) was stung. The size or number of jellyfish or …
Health topics
… Surgery Overview Thalamotomy is surgery to destroy a tiny area of the brain called the thalamus that controls some … the opposite side of the body. If you have tremor in your right hand, for instance, the left side of your brain will be treated. What To Expect The surgery …
Health topics
… you have a cold or flu, wear a surgical-type mask and wash your hands before approaching or touching the person with … ), avoid close contact with the person who has HIV. Ask your doctor whether you should have any boosters or shots … having a person who has HIV clean pet litter or pet living areas, such as cages and tanks. HIV …