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Health topics
… kinds of injuries are caused by putting too much stress on your muscles, joints, or other tissues without allowing them … the symptoms? Golfer's elbow causes pain on the inside of your elbow. Your elbow may feel stiff, and it may hurt when … shots. These are shots of medicine into the painful area to reduce swelling. A steroid shot may help relieve …
HealthLinkBC files
… an emergency? If the police or RCMP orders you to evacuate your home or community, leave the area immediately. You are at risk. Follow all instructions … people to assist you during an emergency. Give them keys to your home and add their contact information to a shared …
Health topics
… you don't need to stay in the hospital. Before surgery, your eye is numbed with local anesthesia . Then the eye … ) injects a gas bubble into the middle of the eye. Your head is positioned so that the bubble floats to the detached area and presses against the detachment. The eye doctor then …
Health topics
… harmful. Over time, the patches fade and the colour of your skin returns to normal. This skin problem is most … may look slightly pink at first. Later they fade to leave areas that are lighter than the other skin. They most often … can tell if you have pityriasis alba just by looking at your skin. To rule out other problems, a light called a …
Health topics
… vein blood clot. After a while, this blood clot (usually in your leg), can damage the vein. Damage to the vein can lead … or darkening of the skin. Fragile skin on the area, which bruises easily. The skin may be dry and may … medicines and bandages to help the sores heal. Propping up your leg may reduce pain and swelling. You might try an …
Health topics
… nitrogen application usually takes less than a minute. Your doctor may trim the wart with a small knife before … is usually not needed but may be used in some cases. Your doctor applies the liquid nitrogen to the wart using a … a blister may form. If the blister breaks, clean the area to prevent the spread of the wart virus. Avoid contact …
Health topics
… It comes from the root of the valerian plant, found in areas of North America, Europe, and Asia. Valerian is … by the NNHPD before they can be sold in Canada. Always tell your doctor if you are using a natural health product or if … or grocery stores may not be the same as the form used in research. The long-term effects of most natural health …
Health topics
… Healing usually occurs in 2 to 4 weeks. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions for caring for your wound. Why It Is Done Laser surgery may be used to … tenderness, or heat. Red streaks extending from the area. Discharge of pus. Fever of 38 °C (100.4 °F) or higher …
Health topics
… be diagnosed by its appearance alone. In some cases, your doctor may order an imaging test, such as an ultrasound . Based on the results of the imaging test, your doctor may want to remove it to make sure the growth is … incision with stitches (sutures). If the lipoma is in an area of the body that cannot be easily reached through a …
Health topics
… is to help decide which course may be right for you. Ask your doctor to go over both of these options with you. Why … Feeling very tired (fatigue). Skin changes in the treated area. The skin may be red, dry, and sore. Toward the end of … after you finish treatment. But it may take longer to get your energy back. Some side effects may occur months or …