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Health topics
… of humans and many animals and is present in soil and areas contaminated by human or animal feces. What causes it? … include intense abdominal cramps and watery diarrhea. Your symptoms usually appear 6 to 24 hours after eating … usually is over within 24 to 48 hours. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a medical history and physical …
Health topics
… a healthy weight, and get regular checkups and screenings. Your doctor may recommend other things based on your personal health history. For example, taking aspirin to … forms of cancer. People whose extra fat is in the waist area may be at higher risk than people whose extra fat is in …
Health topics
… food particles. Throat or mouth cancers. Problems in other areas of the body that can cause mouth odour include: … such as an infection or cancer. How can you care for yourself? Mouth care Gargle with water. Floss your teeth once each day. Use a mouthwash for temporary …
Health topics
… at their own pace. Some children may be advanced in one area, such as language, but behind in another, such as … 12 months of life. Between 12 and 24 months of age, expect your child to gain about 1.5 kg (3 lb) to 2.5 kg (5 lb) , … web page "Is My Child Growing Well?" at… to …
Health topics
… Lots of bracelets, wristbands, or other jewellery on large areas of their arms. These may be worn to hide injuries. If … Medicines are sometimes used with counselling. Ask your doctor about the different types of treatment. Then you … together about what might work best. How can you care for yourself? Here are some ways you can care for yourself if …
Health topics
… or special contact lens for 2 to 3 days after surgery. And your doctor will prescribe eyedrops to reduce inflammation … are needed. The eye can be quite painful for 2 to 3 days. Your vision will be reduced for several days after surgery, … abnormal healing of the cornea or thickening of the treated area. Some doctors suggest medicines to limit it. Loss of …
Health topics
… rash that looks like a sunburn. The rash can be on several areas of your body or just in certain places, such as the armpits or … Doctors usually diagnose toxic shock syndrome based on your symptoms. Tests can help show whether staph or strep …
HealthLinkBC files
… risk include those who will be working or traveling in an area of the world where polio still occurs and health care … to children under 6 months of age without first speaking to your health care provider. For more information on Reye … of the throat, tongue or lips. If this reaction occurs, your health care provider is prepared to treat it. Emergency …
Health topics
… or in the abdomen. For at least 2 weeks after surgery, your child should avoid games, sports, rough play, bike … injury to the testicle. If the testicles are in the groin area, a boy has a higher risk for sports injuries and … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about … It also helps prevent the spread of infection to other areas of the body. Ganciclovir is not a cure for CMV …