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Health topics
… fever within 2 to 5 days after exposure to the bacteria. Your diarrhea may be bloody, and you may feel sick to your stomach and vomit. The illness usually lasts 1 week. … can be life-threatening. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a medical history and a physical …
Health topics
… Have Diabetes On this page: Get Started Get Started Follow your body's hunger and fullness signals. Smart snacking can help you keep your blood sugar levels stable, especially if you are taking medicine for diabetes. Take time to enjoy your food. Try using a smaller plate, bowl, or glass while …
Health topics
… The pain usually starts right before or at the beginning of your period. During this time, you may also have headaches, … body works. To help relieve menstrual cramps: Apply heat to your abdomen with a heating pad or hot water bottle, or take … the pain as well as medicine does. Lie down and elevate your legs by putting a pillow under your knees. Lie on your
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health … Normal Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a …
Health topics
… surgical procedures that could put bacteria or fungi into your blood. The antibiotics lower your risk of getting endocarditis . These heart conditions … defects). Heart valve problems after a heart transplant. Your doctor can tell you whether you need to take …
Health topics
… 1 to 2 Years On this page: Overview Overview You can watch your child's behaviour to check for hearing loss. If you notice a change, your child might have hearing loss. Also, pay attention to the quality of your child's speech. Children must be able to hear well for …
Health topics
… training or weight lifting). This is any activity that uses your muscles and improves your strength. Here are some things to keep in mind if … training. Be sure to choose exercises that are right for your health, medical condition, fitness level, and fitness …
Health topics
… they quit, but many lose this weight over time. But keep your focus on quitting. After you are confident of not … starting a much healthier life. Smoking is much worse for your health than gaining a few kilograms. If you try to lose … gym, or take up a new sport. Have a plan Keeping control of your weight will be easier if you have a plan. Before your
Health topics
… or are already pregnant, it's very important that you and your doctor discuss how lupus may affect your pregnancy. Most women with lupus have successful … are more likely to have flares during pregnancy. Talk with your doctor about which medicines you can take during …
Health topics
… weather. Warm up and cool down thoroughly Take time for your body to prepare for and recover from activity. Drink … an inner layer of fabrics that pull moisture away from your skin. The outer layer should keep the wind out (for … fleece liner). Take extra socks, toque and mittens in case yours get wet. Wear appropriate footwear that fits properly …