6344 results found
Health topics
… (easily spread) infection that causes a rash all over your body. It is also called rubeola. The measles vaccine … sneezing, a sore throat, and a cough. The lymph nodes in your neck may swell. You also may feel very tired and have … start to go away, you will get tiny white spots inside your mouth, followed by a rash all over your body. When …
Medical tests
… pH , the amount of potassium you eat, the hormone levels in your body, severe vomiting, and taking certain medicines, … diet has enough potassium for the body's needs. But if your potassium levels get low, it can take some time for your body to start holding on to potassium. In the meantime, …
Medical tests
… time tests, no matter the testing method. It lets your doctor understand results in the same way even when … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health … the health professional will take a sample of blood from your fingertip instead of your vein. For a finger stick …
Medical tests
… hCG goes up early in pregnancy can give information about your pregnancy and the health of your baby. Soon after delivery, hCG can no longer be found in your blood. HCG may also be made by certain tumours, …
Health topics
… therapy increases the amount of oxygen that flows into your lungs and bloodstream. If your COPD is very bad and your blood oxygen levels are low, getting more oxygen can …
Medical tests
… people have one of four blood types: A, B, AB, or O. If your red blood cells have: The A antigen. You have type A blood. The liquid portion of your blood (plasma) has antibodies that attack type B blood. … (A+) blood. The B antigen. You have type B blood. Your plasma has antibodies that attack type A blood. About 9 …
Medical tests
… water) for 10 to 12 hours before the test. How It Is Done Your health professional drawing blood will: Wrap an elastic band around your upper arm to stop the flow of blood. This makes the … to the needle to fill it with blood. Remove the band from your arm when enough blood is collected. Put a gauze pad or …
Health topics
… deal with fluid buildup that makes it hard to breathe. Call your doctor if you have new symptoms or if your symptoms have become worse. Elevate your upper body. Sit in a chair or prop yourself up with …
Health topics
… may be treated with oral or inhaled medicines. Even if your child's asthma does not appear severe, work with your doctor to make the right plan for your child. Treatment also includes things you can do to …
Health topics
… a rectal prolapse back into place as soon as it occurs. Your doctor will let you know if this is okay to do. Put on disposable gloves, and put lubricating jelly on your finger. Gently push back any tissue that has come out … decrease swelling. Be sure to keep a damp cloth between your skin and the ice pack so that the cold doesn't damage …