6252 results found
Health topics
… Doctors do not recommend that you bank cord blood on the slight chance that your baby will need stem cells someday. If … do not recommend that you privately bank cord blood on the slight chance that your baby will have a disease that could … do not recommend that you privately bank cord blood on the slight chance that your baby will have a disease that could …
Health topics
… tear treated? Treatment may include resting your knee, using ice on it, wrapping it with an elastic bandage, and propping it up on pillows. It may also include physiotherapy and surgery. Your treatment depends on the type of … are: Treatment without surgery. This includes resting, using ice, wrapping the knee in an elastic bandage, propping …
Health topics
… better able to stand up to peer pressure so they can avoid using drugs, drinking alcohol, and smoking. Are better able … better able to stand up to peer pressure so they can avoid using drugs, drinking alcohol, and smoking. Are better able …
Health topics
… the dosage is also based on age and weight. If you are using this medication at home, learn all preparation and … especially of: cystic fibrosis kidney disease seizure disorder This medication contains sodium. Consult your … especially of: cystic fibrosis kidney disease seizure disorder This medication contains sodium. Consult your …
… Leaflet if available from your pharmacist before you start using triptorelin and each time you get a refill. If you … prolongation in the EKG, sudden cardiac death) mental/mood disorders (such as depression) ovarian cysts This drug may … prolongation in the EKG, sudden cardiac death) mental/mood disorders (such as depression) ovarian cysts This drug may …
… Leaflet if available from your pharmacist before you start using meropenem and each time you get a refill. If you have … or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: brain disorders (such as seizures, head injury, tumor) kidney … or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: brain disorders (such as seizures, head injury, tumor) kidney …
… a very serious side effect of treatment with a cancer chemotherapy drug called ifosfamide. Mesna helps to protect the … Leaflet provided by your pharmacist before you start using mesna and with each treatment cycle. If you have any … of: overactive immune system diseases (autoimmune disorders) that may increase your risk for a mesna allergy …
… medication is used to treat a group of blood/bone marrow disorders (myelodysplastic syndromes-MDS) in which the bone … anemia, and easy bleeding/bruising. Decitabine is a chemotherapy drug. It is believed to work by helping your bone … get worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly. People using this medication may have serious side effects. …
… to treat anemia caused by certain blood and bone marrow disorders (such as beta thalassemia, certain myelodysplastic … Leaflet if available from your pharmacist before you start using luspatercept and each time you get a refill. If you … clots, or if you are immobile (such as on very long plane flights or being bedridden). If you use estrogen-containing …