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6252 results found
Health topics
… by cutting poultry meat on a cutting board and then using the unwashed cutting board or utensil to prepare vegetables or other raw or lightly cooked foods. Drinking contaminated milk or water … hands before and after handling food. Also wash them after using the toilet or changing diapers. Wash fresh fruits and …
HealthLinkBC files
… alcohol and drinks with caffeine to avoid dehydration Eat light meals Walk around and stretch your legs to help …
Health topics
… the toilet. The flow of blood from your vagina is usually light at first and may get heavier for a few days before … one of your ovaries will release an egg. You may have a slight discharge from your vagina or some spotting of blood … the toilet. The flow of blood from your vagina is usually light at first and may get heavier for a few days before …
HealthLinkBC files
… temperatures can cause water to condense on windows causing mould to grow on frames or sills. Water coming into … beds. Mould often looks fuzzy or powdery and is usually light green to brown or black in colour. Mould growth may … make sure to: Clean all smooth surfaces with mould growth using detergent and water. Do not use too much water because …
Health topics
… colon tests. Replace a regular colonoscopy if the thin lighted scope cannot be inserted in the colon for some … do before the test. If you are having virtual colonoscopy using CT, you will be given some liquid to drink after your … do before the test. If you are having virtual colonoscopy using CT, you will be given some liquid to drink after your …
HealthLinkBC files
… nose, and red and inflamed eyes that are often sensitive to light. These symptoms are followed by a rash, which starts …
Medical tests
… preparation is needed before having this test. But avoid using creams or lotions on the skin for 24 hours before the … Feels This test does not cause pain. Some children feel a light tingling or tickling when the electric current is … preparation is needed before having this test. But avoid using creams or lotions on the skin for 24 hours before the …
Health topics
… or relapse, think about adding a new treatment, such as using medicines or some kind of nicotine replacement. You … Are there other situations that make you want to light up a cigarette? Resisting triggers and avoiding … when you were strong and resisted temptation. Consider using other resources to help you quit, such as taking …
Health topics
… to others. Although it will take some time to get used to using hearing aids, many people do so and learn how to get … use digital technology. They are programmed for your needs using a computer. Very few hearing aids use analogue … of hearing loss that can't be helped by other treatment. Using hearing aids will improve your quality of life. …
Health topics
… may be called if you have a medical emergency. If you are using an electronic copy, be sure your doctor, family … may be called if you have a medical emergency. If you are using an electronic copy, be sure your doctor, family …