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Health topics
… or in people who have not had a baby. What are the risks? Using an IUD is safe and rarely causes problems. But some … or in people who have not had a baby. What are the risks? Using an IUD is safe and rarely causes problems. But some …
Health topics
Health topics
… pessary to hold the pelvic organs in position without causing discomfort. Pessaries come in different sizes and … pessary to hold the pelvic organs in position without causing discomfort. Pessaries come in different sizes and …
Medical tests
… a lot of second-hand smoke. If you no longer smoke but are using a quit-smoking aid like gum or a patch, your test … may be able to get another test that can show that you are using quit-smoking aids and not tobacco. When you stop using nicotine, it can take more than 2 weeks for the levels …
Health topics
… than clean hands and clean, exposed parts of your arms. Using the bathroom. Coughing, sneezing, or using a handkerchief or disposable tissue. Eating, drinking, or using tobacco (for example, smoking). Handling soiled …
Health topics
… fastest way to pump milk. Some of the newer models are very lightweight. Battery-operated pumps. These are convenient … fastest way to pump milk. Some of the newer models are very lightweight. Battery-operated pumps. These are convenient …
Health topics
… problems. If a rash that looks like acne develops after using ecstasy, the person may be at risk for liver damage by … problems. If a rash that looks like acne develops after using ecstasy, the person may be at risk for liver damage by …
Health topics
… leave insulin in the sun or in your hot car, because sunlight and heat reduce the strength of the insulin. Avoid … container for morning and evening injections. Before using a prefilled syringe, allow the syringe to warm for 5 … after you open them. Follow the directions for storing and using the insulin. Diabetes in Children: …