6256 results found
Health topics
… control: Risk of blood clots Hormonal contraception and using other medications at the same time (HealthLinkBC File … Find out what happens to your fertility after you stop using birth control: Getting pregnant after stopping birth …
Health topics
… are things you can do to help prevent nosebleeds, such as using a humidifier. Follow the directions for cleaning the … allergy problems, talk to your doctor or midwife. Try using a humidifier. Use it at night. Follow the directions … nose to clear any clots. Sit up straight and tip your head slightly forward. Do not tilt your head back. This may cause …
Medical tests
… of the measurement including, sweat, environment (direct sunlight, humidity, cold air, etc.), and positioning on … Comparing temperature types You can take a temperature using the mouth (oral), anus (rectal), armpit (axillary), or … Comparing temperature types You can take a temperature using the mouth (oral), anus (rectal), armpit (axillary), or …
Medical tests
… doctor how you are feeling. Risks The chance of a CT scan causing a problem is small. There is a chance of an allergic … doctor how you are feeling. Risks The chance of a CT scan causing a problem is small. There is a chance of an allergic …
Health topics
Medical tests
Health topics
… these steps. Position the baby with his or her head tilted slightly back. Put a few saline nose drops in each side of … the bulb to remove (suction) mucus from the nose. After using the bulb, wash it in warm, soapy water. Rinse well and … the bulb to remove (suction) mucus from the nose. After using the bulb, wash it in warm, soapy water. Rinse well and …
Health topics
… alcohol is a main ingredient. Ask your baby's doctor before using gripe water. Medicines, such as antispasmodics or … alcohol is a main ingredient. Ask your baby's doctor before using gripe water. Medicines, such as antispasmodics or …
Health topics
… and other objects in the same place. This may be less confusing for the person. Use colour and contrasts. Soothing … Avoid checkerboard and other patterns when possible. Avoid using mirrors for decorating. The person may become anxious … and other objects in the same place. This may be less confusing for the person. Use colour and contrasts. Soothing …