6256 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… the numbers carried on the skin and the chance of it causing an infection. If you have an MRSA infection, you can … it is important for you to wash your hands regularly using soap and water. Using an alcohol hand rub may prevent the spread of MRSA …
Health topics
… best Less than 50% of personal best Breathing Normal or slightly faster Faster than normal Rapid, and your child may … in single words or short phrases Chest Does not use or slightly uses chest muscles to breathe Uses chest and neck … best Less than 50% of personal best Breathing Normal or slightly faster Faster than normal Rapid, and your child may …
Health topics
… for mother and fetuses. Insemination procedures pose a slight risk of infection. Some people have severe cramping during insemination. There is a slight risk of puncturing the uterus during intrauterine insemination. There is a slight risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome if …
Medical tests
Health topics
… and 3 are just learning to use words. Talk with your child using some of the same words your child uses. Speak clearly, … and 3 are just learning to use words. Talk with your child using some of the same words your child uses. Speak clearly, …
Health topics
… sites they've visited, and check the games and apps they're using. Watch for content that may be violent, sexual, or not … sites they've visited, and check the games and apps they're using. Watch for content that may be violent, sexual, or not …
Health topics
… woman. It also depends on the birth control method she is using. Your ability to get pregnant gradually decreases as … pregnant simply because you are older than when you started using birth control. Poor health and irregular periods may … can get pregnant the next time you have sex when you stop using any barrier method. Combination hormonal methods. …
Health topics
… disturbing. Children don't always express themselves using the same language as adults. For example, a child may … school." But the child may really mean that he is afraid of using certain equipment on the playground. Reading to your … disturbing. Children don't always express themselves using the same language as adults. For example, a child may …
Medical tests
Health topics
… is a good defence against stress. These tips focus on using nutrition to reduce the symptoms of stress. If you … the flavour of your meal, and reflect on your day. Avoid using food as a way to relieve stress. Some people turn to … is a good defence against stress. These tips focus on using nutrition to reduce the symptoms of stress. If you …