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828 results found
Health topics
… it to work well, you must use spermicide each time you have sexual intercourse. Spermicide comes in creams, film, foams, … the vagina. Use 1 application of spermicide for each act of sexual intercourse. Don't douche for at least 8 hours after … pills without a prescription at most drugstores and sexual health clinics. What are the advantages of using …
HealthLinkBC files
… of a failed contraceptive. EC does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). EC does not cause an … change, the patch for more than 48 hours You experienced a sexual assault Are there any side effects? Side effects are … Public health nurse Pharmacy Walk-in clinic Youth clinic Sexual health clinic Women’s health or sexual assault centre …
Health topics
… Have a sex partner with a vagina. Douche. Have another sexually transmitted infection (STI). Don't use condoms. Bacterial vaginosis is more common if you are sexually active. But if you aren't having sex, you can also … It is always important to practice safer sex to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs), whether or not you …
Health topics
… and Airways Mental and Behavioural Issues Mouth and Dental Sexual and Reproductive Organs Sexual Health Skin, Hair, and Nails Urinary System Learning …
Health topics
… is the time of life when people develop physically and sexually so that they can have children. It is the time when … female sex characteristics appear and when changes in the sexual organs occur. Puberty is the entire process of … changes affecting the body and its hormones that accompany sexual maturation. In general, puberty usually starts for …
Health topics
… medicines or physical restraints and force-feeding. Forced sexual contact. This includes rape, forced nudity, and sexual photos. Emotional or psychological abuse. This … to let visitors see the person alone. Signs of possible sexual abuse include: Bruises around the breasts or …
Health topics
… to or from the genitals, anus, mouth, or throat during sexual activities. You can spread the virus even if you … thought to be needed. Warts are large. How can you prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs)? Here are some ways … from the vaccine, it should be given before someone becomes sexually active. To find out more, speak to your health care …
HealthLinkBC files
… contacts of internationally adopted children. Household and sexual contacts of someone with hepatitis B. Males who have sexual contact with other males. Those with many sexual partners or a recent sexually transmitted infection. …
HealthLinkBC files
… intimate skin-to-skin contact. Anyone who has any kind of sexual activity with another person involving oral, genital or anal contact can get HPV. Sexual intercourse is not necessary to get infected. HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs). About 3 out of 4 …
… specific health needs. Uses Tadalafil is used to treat male sexual function problems (impotence or erectile dysfunction-ED). In combination with sexual stimulation, tadalafil works by increasing blood flow … prostate and bladder. This drug does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, hepatitis B, …