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4868 results found
… depression/other psychiatric conditions, unusual behavior changes (including possible suicidal thoughts/attempts), or other mental/mood changes (including new/worsening anxiety, panic attacks, … as mood swings, blurred vision, headache, tiredness, sleep changes, and brief feelings similar to electric shock. To …
… depression/other psychiatric conditions, unusual behavior changes (including possible suicidal thoughts/attempts), or other mental/mood changes (including new/worsening anxiety, panic attacks, … including: eye pain/swelling/redness widened pupils vision changes (such as seeing rainbows around lights at night, …
… pain, trouble breathing, coughing up blood, sudden vision changes like blurred vision/loss of vision) signs of a … and lab appointments. You should have regular complete physical exams (for example, once a year) which include … and lab appointments. You should have regular complete physical exams (for example, once a year) which include …
… can make it more difficult for your body to respond to physical stress. Before having surgery or emergency … effects, including: unusual/rapid weight loss mental/mood changes (such as depression, confusion) vision changes (such … can make it more difficult for your body to respond to physical stress. Before having surgery or emergency …
… breast lumps swelling of the ankles/feet mental/mood changes (such as depression, nervousness) dark patches on … Do not share this medication with others. Regular complete physical exams which include lab and/or medical tests (such … Do not share this medication with others. Regular complete physical exams which include lab and/or medical tests (such …
Health topics
… Risks Complications of shunt surgery may include changes in mental function (encephalopathy), such as … Risks Complications of shunt surgery may include changes in mental function (encephalopathy), such as …