4868 results found
… properly mix and give it. Lenvatinib may have different packaging and different dosage instructions based on your … on one side of the body, trouble speaking, sudden vision changes, confusion) signs of stomach/intestinal problems … headaches that don't go away seizures sudden vision changes mental/mood changes (such as confusion) A very …
… doctor or dietician while taking this medication. Large changes in the amount of salt in your diet may change your … blurred vision severe hand trembling (coarse tremor) vision changes (such as growing blind spot, vision loss) joint … doctor or dietician while taking this medication. Large changes in the amount of salt in your diet may change your …
… depression/other psychiatric conditions, unusual behavior changes (including possible suicidal thoughts/attempts), or other mental/mood changes (including new/worsening anxiety, panic attacks, … fast/pounding heartbeat irregular heartbeat mental/mood changes (such as anxiety, agitation, confusion, memory loss) …
… chills, cough, burning/frequent urination, unusual skin changes, change in appearance or size of moles, unusual … have any very serious side effects, including: mental/mood changes (such as confusion, difficulty concentrating) vision changes problems with speech clumsiness loss of coordination …
Health topics
… Chew Easy to Swallow Food Ideas (PDF, 2.9MB, BC Cancer) Managing eating, chewing and swallowing difficulties in care … causes it and how a healthy eating pattern may help: Managing constipation with diet: Adults (HealthLinkBC File … ulcerative colitis. Read about dietary strategies for managing IBD during and between flare-ups: Bowel disease: …
Health topics
… all your favourite recipes to eat healthier. Several small changes to your current recipes can often greatly lower the saturated fat and sodium in your diet. These small changes can make a big difference in the amount of fat and … enjoy them. Here are some ideas for making heart-healthy changes in your recipes. Recipe modifications Instead of: …
Health topics
… trying to, it may be a sign of another problem. You see any changes in bowel habits. These may include changes in how often you have a bowel movement, the colour … trying to, it may be a sign of another problem. You see any changes in bowel habits. These may include changes in how …
Health topics
Health topics
… The severity of asthma can vary, and asthma often requires changes in your treatment to control it. To ensure that you … Peak flow monitoring can be used long term to monitor the changes in how well your lungs function. It can help you … The severity of asthma can vary, and asthma often requires changes in your treatment to control it. To ensure that you …
… slow/irregular heartbeat muscle weakness mental/mood changes coldness/numbness/pain in the hands or feet vision changes unusual tiredness/weakness Get medical help right … to light yellow solution. Discard the solution if it changes color, becomes cloudy, or develops particles. Do not …