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4870 results found
Health topics
… If the diaper rash doesn't get better after several diaper changes, try the following steps. Soak in a warm bath for 10 … If the diaper rash doesn't get better after several diaper changes, try the following steps. Soak in a warm bath for 10 …
Health topics
Health topics
… kindness. Avoid reacting to disappointments with verbal or physical aggression. Praise your child for kind words or … kindness. Avoid reacting to disappointments with verbal or physical aggression. Praise your child for kind words or …
Health topics
… Setting goals was—and still is—an important part of Kris's physical activity plan. She remembers getting on the … It makes you feel pretty good about yourself." Making physical activity a routine Kris says that the keys to … Setting goals was—and still is—an important part of Kris's physical activity plan. She remembers getting on the …
Health topics
… as it should. Cortisol helps the body cope with extreme physical stress from illness, injury, surgery, childbirth, … also have a physical examination so the doctor can look for changes in your skin colour, check your blood pressure, and … test to see how your hormone levels react to stress. Imaging tests, such as a CT scan or an MRI , to look for …
Health topics
… change as it returns to its non-pregnant condition. These changes are different for each person. For example, if you … are designed to help people take an active role in managing a health condition. Depression: Managing Postpartum … Caring for a new baby, loss of sleep, and the normal physical changes as your body returns to its non-pregnant …
Health topics
… Roseola is diagnosed through a medical history and physical examination. The doctor often knows it's roseola if … Roseola is diagnosed through a medical history and physical examination. The doctor often knows it's roseola if …
… such as self-isolation, wearing a mask, social distancing (physical distancing), washing hands, and not sharing … such as self-isolation, wearing a mask, social distancing (physical distancing), washing hands, and not sharing …
… pain numbness/tingling of the hands/feet/arms/legs vision changes signs of infection (such as fever, chills, swollen … side/back/abdomen, painful urination, blood in the urine) Changes in body fat may occur while you are taking this … arms and legs). The cause and long-term effects of these changes are unknown. Discuss the risks and benefits of …
Health topics
… get it. What causes it? Dementia is caused by damage to or changes in the brain. Alzheimer's disease is the most common … for dementia. To diagnose dementia, your doctor will do a physical examination and ask questions about illnesses and … forgetfulness or memory loss can be a normal part of aging. But any new or increasing memory loss or problems …