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… chemotherapy treatment for cancer. Thinking and memory problems are called cognitive problems. These problems may be mild or so serious that people have a hard …
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… syndrome , neural tube defects , or certain rare genetic problems. The blood tests are used to look for the amount of … intellectual disability and heart defects, among other problems. This test is an option for women who are at high … be signs of conditions such as neural tube defects or heart problems. Sometimes doctors will look at the combined …
Health topics
… is a rare disorder. Like Parkinson's disease, it causes problems with balance when a person walks or stands. Rigid … with eye movement. This occurs along with the body movement problems. Problems with speech and swallowing are more common and …
Health topics
… alcohol or drugs while you're pregnant can cause serious problems. It can cause problems for you during your pregnancy and when it is time … Stillbirth Low birth weight Intellectual disability Heart problems Learning and behaviour problems Fetal alcohol …
Health topics
… family will become ill. This cycle will continue until the problems are examined and treated. Any change in one member … Strengthens all family members so they can work on their problems together. Teaches ways to handle conflicts and … family differently. Sometimes the way family members handle problems makes them more likely to develop symptoms. During …
Health topics
… will watch you closely during your pregnancy to find any problems early. The conditions listed below put you and your baby at a higher risk for problems, such as slowed growth for the baby, preterm labour , pre-eclampsia , and problems with the placenta . But it's important to remember …
Health topics
… evaluated by a health professional. Language delays include problems understanding what is heard or read (receptive language delays) or problems putting words together to form meaning (expressive … by 24 months. Slowed or stagnant speech development. Problems understanding your child's speech at 24 months of …
Health topics
… who have COVID-19 recover in 2 to 6 weeks with no long-term problems. But some people have health problems that last for weeks or months after having the infection. These problems are known as long-term effects of COVID-19. This …
Health topics
… describes the range of alcohol effects on a child. The problems range from mild to severe. Alcohol can cause a child to have physical or mental problems that may last all of his or her life. The effects … This gets more obvious by age 2 or 3 years. Growth problems. Children who were exposed to alcohol before they …