574 results found
Health topics
… and muscles. They may be caused by everyday wear and tear, overuse, or aging. Or they may be a result of injury … such as: Finger, Hand, and Wrist Problems, Non-Injury . Shoulder Problems and Injuries . Osteoarthritis . … Shoulder Replacement Surgery Shoulder Separation Shoulder SLAP Tear Sickle Cell Crisis Sickle Cell Disease: Aplastic …
Health topics
… Facial injuries Facial Injuries Facial Problems, Non-Injury Shoulder injuries Frozen Shoulder Shoulder Problems and Injuries Shoulder Separation … Injury Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Injury Meniscus Tear Patellar Dislocation Physical Rehabilitation for ACL …
Health topics
… of tough, flexible fibres (tendons) and muscles in the shoulder . Rotator cuff disorders include: Irritation or … Inflammation or irritation of a bursa ( bursitis ). In the shoulder, a bursa is a small, fluid-filled sac that serves … called calcific tendinopathy . Partial or complete tears of the rotator cuff tendons. What causes them? Most …
Health topics
… their neck. Use the heel of one hand to give up to 5 back slaps between the baby's shoulder blades. If the object does not pop out, support the … of one hand to give up to 5 back slaps between the baby's shoulder blades. If the object does not pop out, support the …
Health topics
… you have torn your rotator cuff in a sudden injury and the tear is causing shoulder weakness. But surgery can't fully reverse problems … rotator cuff is a group of four tendons and muscles in the shoulder. The rotator cuff keeps your shoulder stable and …
Health topics
… very severe or if non-surgical treatment has not improved shoulder strength and movement sufficiently. Surgery to … of tendon , bursa , and other debris from the space in the shoulder where the rotator cuff moves. (This is called … several weeks after surgery. This depends on how bad your tear was and how complex the surgical repair was. You'll be …
Health topics
… is very bad or if non-surgical treatment has not improved shoulder strength and movement enough. Subacromial smoothing … shaving bone or removing growths on the upper point of the shoulder blade ( acromion ). It removes damaged tendon and … treatment. Are older adults with severe rotator cuff tears and whose main problem is pain, not weakness. Do not …
Health topics
… extra bone. It's usually smooth, but it can cause wear and tear or pain if it presses or rubs on other bones or soft … the body. Common places for bone spurs include the spine, shoulders, hands, hips, knees, and feet. What causes it? A … or from poorly fitting shoes. They may also form in the shoulder as a result of repetitive use. These bone spurs can …
Health topics
… the tendon glide on the underside of the upper end of your shoulder blade ( acromion ). The underside of the acromion … tendon may wear against the underside of the acromion. Tiny tears may develop. Then, the tendons in the rotator cuff can no longer balance the upward pull of the shoulder muscle ( deltoid ) on the head of the upper arm …
Medical tests
… the joint. This test can be done on your hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow, wrist, or jaw (temporomandibular joint). … capsule, ligaments, or cartilage. Problems could include tears, arthritis, or disease. For example, this test may be … may be partial or complete. If a rotator cuff tear in the shoulder is present, the dye leaks from the tear. The joint …