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1131 results found
… side effect may lead to a low number of blood cells such as red cells, white cells, and platelets. This effect can cause anemia, decrease …
… Olaparib works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. How To Use Read the Medication Guide provided by your … function, an effect that may lead to a low number of blood cells such as red cells, white cells, and platelets. This effect can cause …
Health topics
… prostate cancer? Prostate cancer is the abnormal growth of cells in the prostate gland . (The prostate is part of the … Radiation therapy uses high-dose X-rays to destroy cancer cells and shrink tumours. Radiation for prostate cancer is … used after surgery to destroy any remaining cancer cells. Surgery Surgery to remove the prostate is called …
Health topics
… How do thyroid hormones work? Thyroid hormones affect every cell and all the organs of the body. Too much thyroid … strength. Control how quickly your body replaces dying cells. Thyroid hormones are made by the thyroid gland. The … How do thyroid hormones work? Thyroid hormones affect every cell and all the organs of the body. Too much thyroid …
Health topics
… diabetes What occurs: The body's immune system destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin. In time, the pancreas stops making insulin. Without insulin, cells can't absorb sugar (glucose), which they need to … diabetes What occurs: The body's immune system destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin. In time, the …
Health topics
… Overview A tumour marker is a substance released by cancer cells or by normal cells when cancer is in the body. Tumour markers can be … Overview A tumour marker is a substance released by cancer cells or by normal cells when cancer is in the body. Tumour …
Health topics
… but serious muscle problem. When you have it, your muscle cells break down, or dissolve. The contents of those cells leak into the blood. When it's in the blood, that … but serious muscle problem. When you have it, your muscle cells break down, or dissolve. The contents of those cells …
… deficiency because it can severely damage your red blood cells leading to anemia (hemolysis). If you are of African … a condition that affects the ability of your red blood cells to carry oxygen (methemoglobinemia). Do not restart … chemotherapy treatment. When chemotherapy is given, cancer cells are destroyed, releasing large amounts of uric acid …
Medical tests
… to bacteria, viruses, fungus, animal dander, or cancer cells. Antibodies attach to the foreign substances so the … to an infection. They also cause other immune system cells to destroy foreign substances. IgM antibodies are … and multiple sclerosis (MS) . In multiple myeloma, tumour cells make only one type of IgG antibody (monoclonal); the …
Health topics
… for help. Find local resources that can help in a crisis. Your local police department, mental health clinic, … for help. Find local resources that can help in a crisis. Your local police department, mental health clinic, …