2774 results found
… numbness/tingling skin swelling ankles/feet/hands signs of kidney problems (such as change in the amount of urine) signs of liver disease (such as nausea/vomiting that doesn't … any of the following symptoms: unusual tiredness pale skin signs of infection (such as sore throat that doesn't go …
… Uses section.) Tell your doctor right away if you have any signs of HIV infection (such as sore throat that doesn't go … of the hands/feet/arms/legs vision changes signs of infection (such as fever, chills, swollen lymph … nodes, trouble breathing, cough, non-healing skin sores) signs of an overactive thyroid (such as irritability, …
… of the hands/feet/arms/legs vision changes signs of infection (such as fever, chills, swollen lymph … nodes, trouble breathing, cough, non-healing skin sores) signs of an overactive thyroid (such as irritability, … eyes, unusual growth in the neck/thyroid known as a goiter) signs of a certain nerve problem known as Guillain-Barre …
… blurred/double vision loss of balance/coordination signs of infection (such as sore throat that doesn't go … changes in your mood, thoughts, or behavior including signs of depression, suicidal thoughts/attempts, thoughts … away if you have any very serious side effects, including: signs of liver disease (such as nausea that doesn't stop, …
… including: easy bruising/bleeding poor wound healing signs of underactive thyroid (such as weight gain, unusual tiredness, cold intolerance) signs of liver disease (such as nausea/vomiting that doesn't … stomach/abdominal pain, yellowing eyes/skin, dark urine) signs of lung problems (such as new or worsening shortness …
Medical tests
… lymph node tissue to be looked at under a microscope for signs of infection or a disease, such as cancer. Other tests … to drain the fluid. If the area becomes painful or shows signs of infection, such as redness, warmth, or tenderness, … node and the appearance of the cells in it are normal. No signs of infection are present. Abnormal: Signs of …
Health topics
… infection or illness, an injury, or surgery. Even emotional stress can cause your blood sugar to rise. High blood sugar … not drink alcohol if you have problems noticing the early signs of low blood sugar. People who lose weight or develop … not drink alcohol if you have problems noticing the early signs of low blood sugar. Treat high blood sugar If you have …
… of the hands/feet/arms/legs vision changes signs of infection (such as fever, chills, swollen lymph … nodes, trouble breathing, cough, non-healing skin sores) signs of an overactive thyroid (such as irritability, … eyes, unusual growth in the neck/thyroid known as a goiter) signs of a certain nerve problem known as Guillain-Barre …
Health topics
Health topics
… home treatment for 24 hours and it doesn't help. Watch for signs of infection, such as a fever, flu-like symptoms, or a … home treatment for 24 hours and it doesn't help. Watch for signs of infection, such as a fever, flu-like symptoms, or a …