2776 results found
Health topics
… You work with a team of health professionals. The team designs a program just for you, based on your health and … how to reduce your risk for heart problems, how to manage stress, and how to eat a heart-healthy diet. By the end of … symptoms When you exercise, be sure that you are aware of signs and symptoms that mean you should stop exercising and …
Health topics
… The goal of AT is to achieve deep relaxation and reduce stress . After you learn the technique, you can use it whenever you need or want relief from symptoms of stress, or you can practice it regularly to enjoy the … of deep relaxation and prevent the effects of chronic stress. Autogenic training consists of six standard …
Health topics
… detected in a urine drug screen up to 48 hours after use. Signs of use Long periods of time without eating or sleeping … detected in a urine drug screen up to 48 hours after use. Signs of use Long periods of time without eating or sleeping …
Health topics
… measures your resiliency—your ability to bounce back from stressful situations. People who are resilient recover … well. You are moderately resilient. You can deal with stress and change in your life, but you could improve. You … Although you have some qualities that help you deal with stress, you need to develop more qualities and strengthen …
Health topics
… them? TMDs are caused by muscle tension, often triggered by stress. Clenching or grinding your teeth can tire the jaw … people take an active role in managing a health condition. Stress Management: Relaxing Your Mind and Body Prevention To … you can reduce muscle tension. Relax. If you have a lot of stress and anxiety in your life, try relaxation techniques. …
Medical tests
… baby (fetus) during pregnancy. A BPP test may include a non-stress test with electronic fetal heart monitoring and a … date, between 40 and 42 weeks. Abnormal results on a non-stress test. How To Prepare If you smoke, you will be asked … How It Is Done The BPP has two parts. First you have a non-stress test, and then you have a fetal ultrasound . For the …
Health topics
… may be helpful in your recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) . But more evidence is needed to … why you get angry sometimes, or why you're under so much stress. They may feel scared, guilty, or even angry about … also learn skills to help you relax and handle emotional distress. Doctors think that focusing on hand movements or …
Health topics
… Surgery Overview Urethral sling surgery is done to treat stress incontinence. A sling is placed around the urethra to … The urethral sling procedure may be used for women who have stress incontinence : Caused by sagging of the urethra … the muscular outlet of the bladder (sphincter). Learn more Stress Incontinence in Women: Should I Have Surgery? How …
Health topics
… don't get enough sleep. Children's sleep problems can cause stress for parents, who may worry about their children. … by learning about sleep routines and about how to reduce stress and relax. How can you help your children and … Being overweight can be linked with sleep problems. Manage stress. The stress and worry that come with having a child …
Health topics
… summaries of the day's events. Unfollow or hide feeds that stress you out. And don't feel bad about doing it. You can … summaries of the day's events. Unfollow or hide feeds that stress you out. And don't feel bad about doing it. You can …