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352 results found
Medical tests
… to avoid high-acid foods. You will not be able to take a bath, except for a careful sponge bath, or do anything else that might get the device wet. For … you have heartburn , chest pain, or regurgitation . You can bathe during the testing period. When the testing period is …
Health topics
… body in warm water. As a last resort, use a warm-water bath [ 38°C (100.4°F) to 41°C (105°F) ] to rewarm if help is … not put anyone who is not fully awake and alert into a warm bath. Do not use tobacco. Be aware that if you (or the … body in warm water. As a last resort, use a warm-water bath [ 38°C (100.4°F) to 41°C (105°F) ] to rewarm if help is …
Health topics
… drink so much that you have to keep getting up to go to the bathroom. Set aside time for solving problems earlier in the … , tai chi , or muscle relaxation techniques . Take a warm bath. Play a quiet game, or read a book. During the night … your symptoms and at what point exercise makes them worse. Bathing in hot or cold water before bedtime may help. Or try …
Health topics
… carts Playground safety Your toddler: Safe ways to explore Bathroom safety for toddlers Quick tips: Safely giving … water. Near-drownings and drownings can happen during bath time, in pools or hot tubs or around larger bodies of … your child swimming skills and water safety. Child safety: Bathing Child safety: Drowning prevention in pools and hot …
Health topics
… end of life. It's not unusual to need more help to walk, bathe, and use the toilet. Later, you may need help turning … at all. When you are in a coma, all physical needs (such as bathing, turning, and bowel and bladder care) will be taken … end of life. It's not unusual to need more help to walk, bathe, and use the toilet. Later, you may need help turning …
Health topics
… ways to help yourself feel better. Avoid hot showers and baths. Hot water takes off more of your skin's natural oils. After bathing, pat excess water off your skin and apply … ways to help yourself feel better. Avoid hot showers and baths. Hot water takes off more of your skin's natural oils. …
Health topics
… Equipment for melting the wax. You can use a paraffin bath, available from a medical supply store, or a slow … a slow cooker or double boiler). If you get a paraffin bath from a medical supply store, it should have a … Equipment for melting the wax. You can use a paraffin bath, available from a medical supply store, or a slow …
Health topics
… ointments during the day. Use only moisturizing soaps while bathing. After a bath, apply skin creams or ointments. Always wear sunscreen … ointments during the day. Use only moisturizing soaps while bathing. After a bath, apply skin creams or ointments. …
HealthLinkBC files
… by exercising, too much clothing or bedding, taking a hot bath or being outside in hot weather. When a child is sick … rise Medicine to reduce a fever is not always needed Sponge baths, alcohol baths and rubs are not recommended When should I take my …
Health topics
… only takes seconds for a toddler to drown.  Whether in the bath, at the beach, on a boat, or at a water table, stay …