6345 results found
Health topics
… Simple laser vein treatment is done on the outside of your skin. It can treat spider veins and tiny varicose veins just under the skin's surface. Usually, more than one laser session is …
Medical tests
… are needed to change galactose into glucose, a sugar that your body uses for energy. A person with galactosemia … or a pinch is usually felt when the lancet punctures the skin. Your baby may have a little discomfort with the skin puncture, but this doesn't last long. Blood sample from …
Health topics
… (sometimes called premature ovarian failure) occurs when your ovaries-which store and release eggs-stop working … surgery or from radiation or chemotherapy treatment for cancer. In some of these cases, the condition may be … surgery or from radiation or chemotherapy treatment for cancer. In some of these cases, the condition may be …
HealthLinkBC files
… to quit smoking. For many people, these include: Improve your health and lower your risk of smoking-caused illness, like heart and lung diseases, throat and oral cancer, and emphysema Improve your finances by saving the … by half. 10 years after quitting, your risk of lung cancer decreases by half. After 15 years smoke-free, your …
Health topics
… The screening is easy. A few drops of blood are taken from your baby's heel and put onto a special card. Your baby may … they usually cry less if they are breastfeeding and held skin-to-skin. For more information about newborn screening, talk to …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … higher doses, and patients with non-small cell lung cancer who have received certain other chemotherapy drugs … irregular heartbeat, severe swelling of the abdomen, skin rash, easy bleeding or bruising, sores in the mouth or …
Health topics
… This is called "resistance." For example, you use your arm muscles when you bend your arm at the elbow. But when you do the same movement with something heavy in your hand, your arm muscles are working against more …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Many things can affect how your body responds to a symptom and what kind of care you … health . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer … health . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer …
Medical tests
… Using a home blood pressure monitor lets you keep track of your blood pressure at home. Blood pressure is a measure of … blood pressure. Place the blood pressure cuff on the bare skin of your upper arm. You may have to roll up your sleeve, … blood pressure. Place the blood pressure cuff on the bare skin of your upper arm. You may have to roll up your sleeve, …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … site is clean and dry. Inject this medication under the skin of the abdomen, upper arms, or thighs, usually twice … time to lessen the risk of problems or damage under the skin (for example, pits/lumps or thickened skin). Do not …