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Health topics
… is most common in older adults, babies, and people who have problems of the brain or nervous system. There are many different problems that can prevent the throat or esophagus from … food and liquids from your mouth to your stomach without problems. Sometimes, though, food and liquids have trouble …
Health topics
… is testosterone used? In men, testosterone is used to treat problems that can happen when a man's body doesn't make enough testosterone. It may be used to: Treat erection problems. Improve sex drive. Increase muscle mass. Prevent … doctors sometimes prescribe testosterone to treat sexual problems. What should you know about side effects? All …
Health topics
… ARBs used? ARBs are used for many heart and blood vessel problems. For example, they may be used if you have: … artery disease. Heart failure. High blood pressure. Kidney problems. ARBs are safe and effective medicines that help … longer. They can help prevent many heart and blood vessel problems. What about side effects? Side effects may include: …
Health topics
… Asthma . Asthma: Using an Asthma Action Plan . Breathing Problems: Using a Dry Powder Inhaler . Breathing Problems: Using a Metered-Dose Inhaler . Health Topics … Plan: Yellow Zone Asthma and GERD Asthma and Vocal Cord Problems Asthma and Wheezing Asthma Attack Asthma Diary …
Health topics
… more, and have not been able to become pregnant. Fertility Problems: Should I Be Tested? How do infertility tests feel? … blood tests, or an ultrasound , do not usually cause any problems. Other tests that are medical procedures, such as hysteroscopy or laparoscopy, have a higher chance of problems after the test. Where are infertility tests done? …
Health topics
… of urinary problem or injury in their lifetime. Urinary problems can range from minor to serious. And sometimes these problems can start with the same symptoms. For example, pain … the problem. But you can be prepared. Some common urinary problems may need only home treatment. But other more …
Health topics
… Check how well your heart valves are working. Look for problems with the structure of your heart. Heart tests can … to your body Checks the size of heart chambers Checks for problems with blood flow or structure of the heart Cardiac … blood vessels Checks for coronary artery disease Checks for problems with blood vessels and heart valves Checks for …
Health topics
… ACE inhibitors are used for many heart and blood vessel problems. For example, they may be used if you have: … artery disease. Heart failure. High blood pressure. Kidney problems. ACE inhibitors are safe and effective medicines … longer. They can help prevent many heart and blood vessel problems. What about side effects? Side effects may include: …
Health topics
… and emotional stress . It also can occur because of problems caused by asthma or emphysema or after a head … nervous or tense, breathe shallowly, and have other medical problems, such as lung diseases or panic disorder . It … such as asthma, emphysema, or lung cancer. Many women have problems with hyperventilation when they are pregnant. But …
Health topics
… Beta-blockers are used for many heart and blood vessel problems. They relax blood vessels and make your heart beat … disease. Heart failure. High blood pressure. Heart rhythm problems. Beta-blockers may help you feel better and live longer. Beta-blockers are also used for other health problems that are not related to the heart. These problems