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1989 results found
Health topics
… Sports can cause injuries such as "cauliflower" ear from wrestling. Loud noises or explosions. They can damage the … that you can't stand it for more than a few hours, can't sleep, and can't do anything else except focus on the pain. … is bad enough to disrupt your normal activities and your sleep, but you can tolerate it for hours or days. Moderate …
Health topics
… or walking. Other symptoms include pain, depression, and sleep problems. Symptoms differ from person to person. Over … or leg. It may get better when you move the limb or you're asleep. Other common symptoms include: Stiff muscles. Slow … symptoms of depression, such as feeling sad or losing interest in daily activities. You or your family notice that you …
Health topics
… people. But it's also common for people to become less interested in the outside world and the specific details of … changes aren't uncomfortable. Increased weakness and sleepiness. General weakness is common at the end of life. … may need help turning over in bed. As death nears, you may sleep more and may be harder to wake up. You may enter a …
Health topics
… were "sheer torture," says Steve. He also found it hard to sleep at night. "The pain would come and go. It wasn't a … were "sheer torture," says Steve. He also found it hard to sleep at night. "The pain would come and go. It wasn't a …
Health topics
… the start. Tube-shunt surgery can be done with the person asleep ( general anesthesia ) or with anesthetic applied only … wearing a shield at night to avoid rubbing the eye when you sleep. Why It Is Done Tube-shunt surgery is most often used … the start. Tube-shunt surgery can be done with the person asleep ( general anesthesia ) or with anesthetic applied only …
Health topics
… with a bat, or if you find a bat in a closed room with a sleeping person, call your doctor right away. What are the … Later, symptoms become more serious and can include restlessness, paralysis,  hallucinations , and seizures . … with a bat, or if you find a bat in a closed room with a sleeping person, call your doctor right away. What are the …
Health topics
… or kill mosquitoes. Use flying-insect spray indoors around sleeping areas. Take medicine to prevent malaria. Start … or kill mosquitoes. Use flying-insect spray indoors around sleeping areas. Take medicine to prevent malaria. Start …
Health topics
… (such as Benadryl) are less expensive but can make you feel sleepy or tired. Don't give antihistamines to a child unless … nervous or shaky, have a rapid heart rate, or have trouble sleeping. If you have high blood pressure , oral … by the antihistamine. But some people feel nervous and sleepy at the same time ("tired and wired"). Examples of …
Health topics
… Seeming angry, grumpy, anxious, or depressed. Eating or sleeping less or more than usual. Doing risky things, like … Seeming angry, grumpy, anxious, or depressed. Eating or sleeping less or more than usual. Doing risky things, like …
Health features
… Emergency shelters program provides a temporary place to sleep, eat and wash for anyone who is homeless or at risk of …