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6339 results found
Health topics
… nerve that can affect any adult. This nerve runs through your pelvic region. This includes your genitals, urethra , anus, and the area between your anus and genitals (perineum). The condition is also …
Health topics
… a rectal prolapse back into place as soon as it occurs. Your doctor will let you know if this is okay to do. Put on disposable gloves, and put lubricating jelly on your finger. Gently push back any tissue that has come out … decrease swelling. Be sure to keep a damp cloth between your skin and the ice pack so that the cold doesn't damage …
Health topics
… surfaces. Avoid prolonged kneeling. Strengthen and stretch your leg muscles. Pay special attention to your front and back thigh muscles (quadriceps and … shoes with cleats when playing contact sports. Cleats help your performance in some sports by keeping your feet from …
Health topics
… an injury by following these safety tips. Don't allow your child to play near the garage or driveway or around cars. Make a habit of checking under and behind your car before you drive. Closely supervise children while … than age 10 play near or cross the street alone. Show your child what behaviour you expect. Teach your child to …
Health topics
… to be evaluated by a health professional soon after your symptoms start. Symptoms of an STI include: A change in … not mean that the STI has gone away . It will be harder for your health professional to diagnose your STI after the symptoms have changed. A delay in being …
Health topics
… nearsighted. The eye examination includes questions about your eyesight and a physical examination of your eyes. Ophthalmoscopy, slit lamp examinations, and other … result. If glasses or contact lenses are inconvenient for your work or lifestyle, surgery may be a good choice. But …
Medical tests
… such as cimetidine, letrozole, and levodopa, can change your test results. You may be asked to stop taking medicines … having a follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) test. Make sure your doctor has a complete list of all the prescription and … Normal Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for …
Health topics
… on the eye. You will also get instructions on how to manage your pain. Someone must drive you home and then back to the … next day. During this second visit, the surgeon will check your eye and prescribe eyedrops to prevent infection and … next week and then throughout the first year after surgery. Your eye will feel irritated and scratchy on the day of …
Health topics
… Simple laser vein treatment is done on the outside of your skin. It can treat spider veins and tiny varicose veins … They may be scheduled every few weeks, as prescribed by your doctor. (If you have poor blood circulation feeding … typically is short. You are likely to be able to return to your normal daily routine right away after simple laser …
Health topics
… puts pressure on nearby nerves, you may have tingling in your fingers, hand, or forearm. Some ganglions can weaken your grip or affect joint motion. How are they diagnosed? A … usually be diagnosed based on how it looks and where it is. Your doctor will also feel the bump and shine a light …