6340 results found
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A testicular … or hospital. Before the test, you'll need to take off all your clothes from the waist down. You will put on a gown. You'll be asked to lie on your back on a padded table. Folded towels will be used to …
Health topics
… lab tests are the best way to diagnose shigellosis. Your doctor will most likely still do a physical examination and ask you questions about your symptoms, foods you have recently eaten, and your work and home environments. A stool culture confirms …
Health topics
… piece of silicone sponge, rubber, or semi-hard plastic that your eye doctor ( ophthalmologist ) places on the outside of … or general anesthesia may be used. Before the surgery, your eye doctor may patch both of your eyes and have you stay in bed to keep the detachment …
Health topics
… Patterns of healthy eating help keep you well, and lower your risk for disease. Here are things you can do to make … plenty of vegetables and fruits. At meals, try to fill half your plate with vegetables and fruits. And make sure the … seeds, avocado, fatty fish, and vegetable oils. Make water your drink of choice. A lot of drinks are high in calories, …
Health topics
… the wall of the vagina. Both conditions are easy for your doctor to see during a physical examination. They often … during sexual intercourse. Surgery is not required unless your symptoms interfere with daily activities. Unless … with a catheter in place. You can most likely return to your normal activities in about 6 weeks. Avoid strenuous …
Health topics
… package information that tells the best way to store your insulin. You can keep open bottles with you if you keep … or above 30°C (86°F) . Never leave insulin in the sun or in your hot car, because sunlight and heat reduce the strength … bottle label. Always store an extra bottle of each type of your insulin in the refrigerator. If you cannot prepare an …
Health topics
… while you help with wiping or getting dressed. Wash and dry your hands well, and put on gloves. If you can, place a bed … Or if you have a helper, help the person lift the hips as your helper slides the bedpan under the person's buttocks. … water supply. Dry the bedpan or let it air-dry. Take off your gloves and throw them away. How to help with a urinal …
Health topics
… Overview It is natural for you to focus extra attention on your physical health when pregnant. It is equally important that you take care of your emotional health. Being pregnant can bring up many new … professionals play a key role in helping you through your pregnancy. Learn more about emotional health and …
Health topics
… topics are here to help. Allergy shots for asthma Assessing your asthma knowledge Asthma action plan: Red zone Asthma … Asthma Asthma: Controlling cockroaches Asthma: Educating yourself and your child Asthma: Identifying your triggers Asthma: …
Health features
… a mask in crowded public spaces, and cough and sneeze into your elbow Cleaning your hands regularly Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, mouth and nose Making a …