6340 results found
Health topics
… You may not have any symptoms when something is stuck in your esophagus . But when symptoms are present, they may … neck, chest, or abdomen. Feeling that something is stuck in your throat. If an object is stuck in your esophagus, your doctor will need to remove it. Most …
Health topics
… will be able to provide the names of lawyers in your area who deal with these issues. For certain types of legal advice, contact your provincial Legal Aid service or your provincial Alzheimer Society for more information. As …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview If you have diabetes, talk with your health professional (if you haven't already) about how often you need to test your blood sugar level. Use this form to record the times that you should test and when to call your health professional for blood sugar problems. Post the …
Health topics
… begins. You may or may not notice a change in the shape of your abdomen after dropping. You may notice that your breathing becomes easier and heartburn occurs less … after dropping occurs. But the increased pressure on your bladder after dropping occurs may make you have the …
Health topics
… sounds, then: Stand or kneel behind the person and wrap your arms around their waist. If the person is standing, place one of your legs between their legs so you can support the person … faint. Make a fist with one hand. Place the thumb side of your fist against the person's belly, just above the belly …
Health topics
… or yard work for you. Consider getting help from your community. Your community may have annual events to help homeowners … with raking leaves in the fall or painting the house. Check your city's website or the local newspaper, and sign up to …
Health topics
… on the eye. You will also get instructions on how to manage your pain. Someone must drive you home and then back to the … next day. During this second visit, the surgeon will check your eye and prescribe eyedrops to prevent infection and … next week and then throughout the first year after surgery. Your eye will feel irritated and scratchy on the day of …
Health topics
… are no guarantees that a bunion surgery will fully relieve your pain. A regional anesthetic that affects only the foot … what is best. The surgery you get needs to be specific to your bunion. More than one procedure may be done at the same … Research doesn't show which type of surgery is best. Your surgery needs to be specific to your condition. More …
HealthLinkBC files
… should not be relied on to supervise younger children Check your child’s bath water with your elbow prior to placing them in the water; it should not … PLAY ZONE Share safety tips with those who are caring for your kids (e.g. grandparents, daycare staff, friends, …
Health topics
… or as an ingredient. You can start reducing the sodium in your diet by: Reading labels to see how much sodium foods … which typically are high in sodium. Not adding salt to your food during cooking or at the table. Using low-sodium spices and sauces to add flavour to your food. Low-sodium foods can still be tasty! How can you …