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6340 results found
Health topics
… of work you do, you should be able to go back to work or your normal routine in 2 to 3 weeks. The incisions leave … help drain blood and fluid for the first couple of days. If your doctor closed your incisions with removable stitches, the stitches will be …
Health topics
… more small incisions for inserting other surgical tools. If your doctor recommends a laparoscopy, it will be to: View … a hospital stay of 1 day. You probably can return to your normal activities in 1 week, but it may take longer. … or returning endometriosis. Infertility If infertility is your primary concern, your doctor may use laparoscopy to …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done You will need to … is usually taken from the front, back, top, and sides of your head. Hold your head completely still while the pictures are being …
Medical tests
… Results Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a guide. Your doctor will also look at your results based on your
Health topics
… insulation, drywall, carpet, and fabrics. Control mould in your home. Clean bathroom surfaces with soap and water, … or liquid bleach mixed with water. If you have mould in your home, remove it with one of these methods. Use bleach with caution, because it may irritate your nose and lungs. Add a mould inhibitor product to paint …
Health topics
… especially to children. Don't give any antihistamines to your child unless you've checked with the doctor first. The … machinery, or need to be alert because they can make you sleepy. Use caution if you have other health problems, such … effects In children: Antihistamines may make young children sleepy or may stimulate the nervous system, causing …
Health topics
… as toilet paper and a damp cloth or wet wipes. Wash and dry your hands well before you get started, and have gloves … wipe from front to back. If you helped the person wipe and your gloves became soiled, remove them and throw them away. … with water. Dry the commode or let it air-dry. Wash and dry your hands well. Caregiving: Overview of …
Health topics
… one, an opportunity, or a valued way of life. If you find yourself feeling guilty about a past action or inaction, set aside time to think about your feelings and work through the following exercise. Write … you never properly thanked for an act of kindness. Forgive yourself for those regrets that you cannot act on to …
Health topics
… Overview Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure in which your fallopian tubes are blocked, cut, or sealed. It's done to prevent your eggs from travelling from your ovaries into the fallopian tubes, where they could be …
Health topics
… have vaginal dryness around the time of menopause. Or if your ovaries were removed during a hysterectomy … The estrogen affects only the vaginal area. Talk with your doctor if you have any problems during intercourse … If you have other symptoms of menopause, talk to your doctor about systemic estrogen therapy (ET) and other …