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6340 results found
Health topics
… then my doctor said, 'We really need to get on top of this. Your age and your cholesterol levels raise your risk of having a heart attack or a stroke.'" That was …
Health topics
… surgery. After the surgery, you can't put anything in your vagina. So the type of sex you have may change. The … for 1 to 2 days. You will probably be able to return to your normal activities in about 4 weeks, but this can vary … strenuous activity for the first 2 weeks. Then increase your activity level bit by bit. Why It Is Done Vaginal …
Health topics
… Healing usually occurs in 2 to 4 weeks. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions for caring for your wound. Why It Is Done Laser surgery may be used to … of infection associated with laser surgery. Be sure to call your doctor if you have any of these signs of infection: …
Health topics
… Why It Is Used Kava is used by some people for anxiety, sleeplessness, or other health problems. Taking kava may … by the NNHPD before they can be sold in Canada. Always tell your doctor if you are using a natural health product or if … Why It Is Used Kava is used by some people for anxiety, sleeplessness, or other health problems. Taking kava may …
Health topics
… for many years, quitting smoking now can still increase your lifespan and improve the quality of your life. The best way to stop smoking is to get help and to follow a plan. You can increase your chances of quitting if you: Take medicines such as …
Health topics
… and does not blanch (lose colour briefly when you press your finger on it then remove your finger). In a dark-skinned person, the area may appear … dark red, or there may be a blood-filled blister. If you or your doctor suspects a pressure injury, the area is treated …
HealthLinkBC files
… Indoor air quality: Combustion by-products Wildfires and your health (health feature) HealthLinkBC File #30a The … and using low-VOC products and building materials in your home Biological contaminants: Keep the house clean and … could install a built-in vacuum cleaner that vents outside your home To stop or prevent mould, reduce humidity by …
Health topics
… skin ulcers from coming back after treatment. You may be asleep during the surgery, but it also can be done while you … are awake. If you are awake, you will get medicine to numb your leg and prevent pain. The doctor will make small cuts … skin ulcers from coming back after treatment. You may be asleep during the surgery, but it also can be done while you …
Medical tests
… include: Rapid mono test. This test detects a type of antibody that forms during certain infections. Rapid mono … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done The rapid mono test is done on a small sample of blood taken from your fingertip or from a vein. The Epstein-Barr antibody
Health topics
… based on a medical history and a physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms, foods you have recently eaten, and your work and home environments. If you have eaten raw …