5641 results found
Health topics
… heal well and can be treated the same as injuries to other parts of the body. Minor cuts on the head often cause … to be checked. When a head injury has occurred, look for other injuries to other parts of the body that also may need … in the size of the pupils of the eyes. New vision problems. Other symptoms related to a head injury that may …
Health topics
… Without treatment, hyperthyroidism can lead to: Heart problems. Bone problems. Thyroid storm. This is a … Why might your doctor recommend one treatment over the other? Your doctor may recommend radioactive iodine if: You … life and take vitamins every day, so remembering to take another pill won't make a big difference to me. Jesse, age 52 …
… your specific health needs. Uses This product is used with other HIV medications to help control HIV infection. It … lymph nodes, trouble breathing, cough, non-healing skin sores) signs of an overactive thyroid (such as irritability, … rash itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat) severe dizziness trouble breathing This is not a …
Health topics
… At first, symptoms may be overlooked or mistaken for another illness, like influenza (flu). How is it diagnosed? … sugar may happen if your child: Takes too much insulin or other diabetes medicine. Skips or delays a meal or snack. Is … careful and do all the right things, your child can have problems with low or high blood sugar. Teach your child to …
Health topics
… child. Some children begin teething at 3 to 4 months, while others do not start until age 12 months or later. A total of … He or she may refuse to eat and drink because of mouth soreness. Children sometimes drool more during this time. … good dental care and to help prevent cavities and other problems. The examination also helps to identify and treat …
Health topics
… carefully. Pessaries can be used successfully to treat other gynecologic conditions, such as a uterus that is in … can be used in people who have other serious chronic health problems, such as heart or lung disease, that make a … Possible complications from wearing a pessary include: Open sores in the vaginal wall. Increase in vaginal discharge or …
Health topics
… is called reconstructive surgery. Any surgery has a risk of problems. Mastectomy is a more involved surgery with a … the first surgery. If this happens, you will need to have another surgery to remove more breast tissue. This is called … re-excision. After surgery, you may or may not need chemotherapy. Mastectomy (removal of the breast). In most cases, …
Health topics
… be. In some cases, too much amniotic fluid doesn't cause problems. In other cases, it can cause problems, such as preterm labour. … cases, too much amniotic fluid doesn't cause problems. In other cases, it can cause problems, such as preterm labour. …
Health topics
… to change some parts of your exercise program to avoid more problems. Before you start an exercise program, ask your … Rowing. Seated exercises. Arm and upper-body exercises. Other non-weight-bearing exercises. Avoiding heart and blood … Rowing. Seated exercises. Arm and upper-body exercises. Other non-weight-bearing exercises. Avoiding heart and blood …
… Tell your doctor if you have a slow/irregular heartbeat or other heart problems (such as heart failure, history of … right away if you develop any signs of an infection such as sore throat/cough that doesn't go away, difficulty breathing, …