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5641 results found
Health topics
… Breast Cancer: Should I Have Chemotherapy for Early-Stage Breast Cancer? Decision Point You … to cause different side effects. Many women do not have problems with these side effects, while other women are … of appetite. Fatigue. Hair thinning or hair loss. Mouth sores. Diarrhea. Increased chance of bruising, bleeding, and …
Health topics
… talk with your teen about their increased risk for the same problems. Get informed. Learn about the substances commonly … be together, such as at mealtimes. Plan family outings or other family fun activities. Be fair and consistent. … meaningful activities, such as sports, church programs, or other group involvement. Teens who feel good about …
Medical tests
… a brief sting or pinch as the needle goes through the skin. Otherwise, a testicular scan is usually painless. You may … still during the scan, especially if your testicles are sore. Before the scan, ask for a pillow or blanket to make … people to be around you after the test. You may get some soreness or swelling at the injection site. This can usually …
Health topics
… or CT scan of the head, if the doctor thinks you might have other facial injuries or fractures. Seriousness of a nose … of a broken nose Most broken noses heal without problems. When problems occur, they can include: A change in … tilt your head back. This may cause blood to run down your throat and make you vomit.) Pinch the front, soft part of …
Health topics
… how to use and care for the tube, and how to avoid common problems. A feeding tube is inserted during a surgery. After … your local drugstore. It may irritate your skin less than other types of tape. Change the position of the tape every … your local drugstore. It may irritate your skin less than other types of tape. Change the position of the tape every …
Health topics
… started Backpacks are handy for carrying books—and lots of other things. But if they're not used right, they can strain … is too heavy. If your child is having back pain or neck soreness, talk to your doctor. Encourage your children to tell you about any pain or soreness. Extra tips for hikers Hikers can carry a lot more …
Health topics
… relieve the symptoms of stress. It can also be helpful with problems such as generalized anxiety, fatigue, and … or she knows about all of your health practices. Other Works Consulted Payne R (2005). Relaxation Techniques: … or she knows about all of your health practices. Other Works Consulted Payne R (2005). Relaxation Techniques: …
Health topics
… E? Hepatitis E is a virus that can infect the liver. Unlike other forms of hepatitis, the hepatitis E virus usually … skin (jaundice), dark urine, and clay-coloured stool. Sore muscles. Fever. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will … drink alcohol or use illegal drugs. They can make liver problems worse. Make sure your doctor knows all the …
Health topics
… to associate with important information. Use computers or other aids to do homework or look up information about … stopping and looking before leaving home for school or other activities. Teach your child to first scan their body … they are dressed appropriately. Then, scan their bag or other equipment to make sure that they have everything they …
Health topics
… because these substances are rarely, if ever, used by any other means. These substances are common household, … are breathed into the lungs, including: Long-term health problems, such as brain, liver, kidney, blood, or bone … speech. Personality changes. Nausea or loss of appetite. Sores around the mouth. Alcohol and Drug …