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5641 results found
Health topics
… to find the exact cause of a child's pain. Pain without other symptoms that goes away completely in less than 3 … an ear infection , a urinary tract infection , or strep throat . Abdominal symptoms can also occur from an infection … in children include appendicitis , lead poisoning , and problems with the intestines, such as intussusception or …
Health topics
… the injured hip. A baby in pain may cry, be fussy, and have other signs of pain. To better understand hip injuries, it … the problem may be causing a fever? Some bone and joint problems can cause a fever. Yes Possible fever No Possible … Rest. Have your child rest and protect the injured or sore hip. Have your child stop, change, or take a break from …
Health topics
… have one-on-one instruction with a lactation consultant or other knowledgeable health professional. Get set up … the baby. Bending toward the baby can lead to back and neck problems. Find a position that is comfortable for both you … remove the baby from your breast, your nipples can become sore, cracked, or bruised. If your baby falls asleep before …
Healthy eating
… can sometimes make eating difficult. If you are having problems eating or are losing weight, speak with a … any cancer or treatment side effects, as well as any other health conditions you have. The most helpful foods for you may be different than another person’s. This is normal as there is not a “cancer …
Medical tests
… , or computed tomography (CT) scan . MRI also may show problems that cannot be seen with other imaging methods. For an MRI test, the area of the body … or radio waves used for the MRI test. You may be tired or sore from lying in one position for a long time. If a …
Health topics
… personal goal in that area. Meet that goal before you try another area. Don't overdo it! Some minor soreness or stiffness is to be expected at first. But pain … exercise, it's normal to have some minor muscle and joint soreness. But other signs may point to something more …
… the skin and blood and sometimes the lymph nodes and other organs. CTCL is caused by the uncontrolled growth of … including: depression swollen ankles/feet new/unusual skin sores irregular heartbeat A very serious allergic reaction … rash itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat) severe dizziness trouble breathing This is not a …
Health topics
… you exercise. Before you get started, ask your doctor or another health professional, such as physical therapist or … to swimming or riding an indoor bike. Know when you have sore muscles and not joint pain. If your muscles are sore, you can safely exercise through the soreness. (You …
Health topics
… you have serious diarrhea, which is more likely to lead to problems with dehydration. Dehydration may alter the effect … when to use them just in case you should develop diarrhea. Other information sources Health Canada's Travel Health … when to use them just in case you should develop diarrhea. Other information sources Health Canada's Travel Health …
Health topics
… monitor as a guide while inserting surgical tools into the other incisions to remove your gallbladder. Before the … larger incision. footnote 1 This can happen when there are problems such as unexpected inflammation, scar tissue, … days. People who have laparoscopic gallbladder surgery are sore for about a week. But in 2 to 3 weeks they have much …