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Health topics
… person to person. Some people have severe discomfort, while others have few or no symptoms. Common symptoms include: … even more. Moccasin-type infection may start with a little soreness on your foot. Then the skin on your sole or heel … even more. Moccasin-type infection may start with a little soreness on your foot. Then the skin on your sole or heel …
HealthLinkBC files
… as severe skin rashes, eye and ear infections, or pneumonia Other germs, which can spread through feces or vomit, such … needed. You should not go in a pool or hot tub with open sores or bandages. If you are experiencing cold or flu-like … and clean your hot tub or pool if any of the following problems occur: Complaints of eye, ear or skin irritations …
Health topics
… transplant is surgery to give you a healthy kidney from another person. The new kidney may come from someone you know. … Your own kidneys are not taken out unless they're causing problems. The doctor then connects the blood vessels of the … better than you did before. But you may have some pain or soreness in your belly or side. It may take time for your …
Health topics
… m². Complete foot examination. The doctor checks for foot sores and whether any sensation has been lost. How often: … People with high blood sugar are more likely to have these problems. How often: Every 6 months or as often as your … m². Complete foot examination. The doctor checks for foot sores and whether any sensation has been lost. How often: …
Health topics
… 4 to 7 days in the hospital. Your belly and groin will be sore for several weeks. You will probably feel more tired … and how you feel. You will have regular tests to check for problems with the graft. Why It Is Done Aortobifemoral … 4 to 7 days in the hospital. Your belly and groin will be sore for several weeks. You will probably feel more tired …
Health topics
… and screws. In most cases, the doctor uses bone from another part of your body or bone that has been donated to a … have a short hospital stay. Your neck will feel stiff or sore. You will get medicine to help with pain. Most people … have a short hospital stay. Your neck will feel stiff or sore. You will get medicine to help with pain. Most people …
Health topics
… after this procedure. Your groin may have a bruise and feel sore for a few days. You can do light activities around the … not normal. Over time, the valve can get narrow again, so another procedure or valve replacement might be done. footnote … includes risks. For children, teens, and young adults, problems include bleeding and heart rhythm changes. The …
HealthLinkBC files
… spread? HBV is spread through contact with the blood and other body fluids of someone with HBV infection. Blood, … with chronic HBV infection can pass the infection on to others. This long-term infection may lead to scarring of the … have tiny amounts of blood on them Keep all open cuts and sores bandaged until healed Properly sterilize any equipment …
Health topics
… example, if you had coronary artery disease (CAD) but no other medical conditions, it will probably take you less … you go to bed. Try not to take naps during the day. Have sore or tight muscles in your shoulders and upper back. You … you go to bed. Try not to take naps during the day. Have sore or tight muscles in your shoulders and upper back. You …
Health topics
… | Farsi | French | Punjabi | Spanish | Tagalog Other parenting resources Find key resources for parents. … With Animals English | Chinese | French Violence and Other Abuse in the Home English | Chinese | French … baby’s first few weeks. The passport provides an expectant mother with health information, resources, traditional …