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HealthLinkBC files
… day or two. Common side effects may include a low fever or soreness where the vaccine was given. Millions of vaccines … diabetes, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), or other illnesses. These studies are posted at the Institute …
Health topics
… parts of their faces. Rosacea can also cause burning and soreness in your eyes. Some people say that having rosacea … confident at work or in social situations. If your rosacea bothers you or has gotten worse, talk to your doctor. Getting … parts of their faces. Rosacea can also cause burning and soreness in your eyes. Some people say that having rosacea …
HealthLinkBC files
… vaginal fluid, can contain viruses that can be passed on to other people. If you have contact with a person’s blood or … you could be at risk of HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C, or other blood borne illnesses. Body fluids, such as sweat, … or body fluids and your skin has an open wound, healing sore, or scratch, wash the area well with soap and water. If …
HealthLinkBC files
… of the disease, you may have the following symptoms: fever sore muscles headaches nausea vomiting shortness of breath … specifically the deer mouse found across North America. Other rodents, such as house mice, roof rats and Norway rats … be exposed when they use infested trail shelters or camp in other deer mouse habitats. The chance of being exposed to …
Health topics
… movement, and the bones are more likely to rub against each other. This is called chronic ACL deficiency. The abnormal … medical care decisions that are important to many health problems. ACL Injury: Should I Have Knee Surgery? Actionsets … and reduce stiffness in your joints. It may also reduce soreness after exercise and reduce the risk of injury. Try a …
Health topics
… are painfully overfull of milk. This usually occurs when a mother makes more milk than her baby uses. Your breasts may … breasts may not empty completely. Your nipples may become sore and cracked. This may cause you to breastfeed less, and … Information Breastfeeding Mastitis While Breastfeeding Problems After Delivery of Your Baby Weaning …
Health topics
… or a tendon injury (tendinopathy) in the elbow causes soreness or pain in the elbow region, particularly when the … or a tendon injury (tendinopathy) in the elbow causes soreness or pain in the elbow region, particularly when the …
Health topics
… is the delivery of a baby through a cut (incision) in the mother's belly and uterus . It is often called a C-section. … In most cases, doctors do caesarean sections because of problems that arise during labour. Reasons you might need an … For more information, see the topic Placenta Previa . Open sores from active genital herpes near the due date, which …
HealthLinkBC files
… or herpes simplex (a virus). It can also be caused by other organisms that are not sexually transmitted. Reactions … who will help you to decide if you need further treatment. Other treatments may be offered by your health care provider … warts (human papillomavirus (HPV)) and syphilis (when sores are present). Important things to remember when using …
Health topics
… diseases. They also help reduce the spread of disease to others and prevent epidemics. Most are given as shots. They … too, if your child is more likely to have certain health problems. The Canadian National Advisory Committee on … could occur. They may include: Redness, mild swelling, or soreness where the shot was given. A slight fever. …