5641 results found
Health topics
… severe but almost always goes away right after you urinate. Other symptoms of BPS include: Urinating often during the … bladder. He or she may also do a urine test to rule out other problems, such as a urinary tract infection . How is BPS …
Health topics
… Because cataracts block this light, they can cause vision problems. Cataracts are common in older adults. But changes … need tests to make sure you have a cataract or to rule out other conditions that may be causing vision problems. How … very well with the help of eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other vision aids. Health Tools Health Tools help you make …
Health topics
… in the newborn's lungs is causing breathing and health problems. The lungs trap air or collapse, fill with fluid, … infections, often from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) . Other problems that can lead to chronic lung disease … start of pregnancy. A doctor may order tests to rule out other causes of breathing trouble or to check for other …
Medical tests
… clot breaks up. Doctors order the d-dimer test, along with other lab tests and imaging scans, to help check for blood-clotting problems. A d-dimer test can also be used to check how well … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may …
Health topics
… a hormone imbalance that can affect ovulation. It can cause problems with your periods and make it hard to get pregnant. PCOS may also cause other symptoms, such as weight gain, acne, or hair growth on … to run in families. Your chance of having it is higher if others in your family have PCOS or have diabetes. What are …
… medication may also cause severe, possibly fatal, breathing problems. To lower your risk, your doctor should have you … than prescribed. Taking this medication with alcohol or other drugs that can cause drowsiness or breathing problems … cough. Antihistamines relieve watery eyes, itchy eyes/nose/throat, runny nose, and sneezing. Acetaminophen is a …
Health topics
… it may help you live longer and feel better. If you have other serious health problems, dialysis may not help you live much longer than … dialysis to live, and you want more time. You don't have other serious health problems that would end your life soon. …
Health topics
… joint may be too loose. In mild cases, the ligaments and other soft tissues aren't tight. This lets the thigh bone … it goes on, the more likely it is to cause long-term hip problems. What causes it? The exact cause of developmental … this problem may have: One leg that seems shorter than the other. Extra folds of skin on the inside of the thighs. A …
Health topics
… of child abuse or elder abuse. MSBP is sometimes called other things, such as medical child abuse. Since most cases of MSBP are between a caregiver (usually a mother) and a child, this information describes that … victims of MSBP can have lifelong physical and emotional problems and may have Munchausen syndrome as adults. This is …
Health topics
… make it hard to breathe. Ascites can be a complication of other health problems, such as liver disease and some cancers. How is … help get rid of fluid that has built up in the belly and other parts of the body. These medicines can help both …