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Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Many health problems cause confusion or decreased alertness. It is not … (hallucinations or illusions). Unfounded suspicions that others are after you or want to harm you (paranoia). … factors, such as dehydration, cold temperature exposure (hypothermia), and heatstroke. Medicines and alcohol or drug use …
Health topics
… and a bite from a child rarely causes serious injury to another person or poses any health risks. Why do children bite? Children bite other people for different reasons, depending on their age. … them. Biting at this age may be a sign that a child has problems with expressing feelings or self-control. When is a …
Health topics
… One vein carries blood to the liver (portal vein). The other vein goes from the liver to the heart (hepatic vein). … or nurse checks to make sure that you're not having any problems before you go home. Why It Is Done TIPS is used to … Treat fluid buildup that continues to happen even though other treatment has been tried. The buildup often happens in …
Health topics
… may not be able to merge what one eye sees with what the other eye sees. A child rarely outgrows strabismus after it … Without treatment, strabismus can cause permanent vision problems. For example, if the child is not using one eye … child's appearance as well as their ability to see well. Other kids may tease your child for being cross-eyed or …
Health topics
… blood sugar levels under control. Don't take insulin. Try other methods to keep blood sugar levels under control. Key … you control your blood sugar, you decrease your risk for other health problems caused by diabetes, such as eye problems, kidney …
Health topics
… than average. Even though amniocentesis can detect certain problems, it can't guarantee that your baby will be born … fluid that surrounds your baby. This fluid has cells and other substances in it that can give clues about your baby's … 10 and 13 weeks of pregnancy to look for Down syndrome and other serious health problems. But it can't find certain …
… tendon damage (such as tendonitis, tendon rupture), nerve problems in the arms and legs (peripheral neuropathy), and … fluids while taking this drug unless your doctor tells you otherwise. The dosage and length of treatment are based on … rash itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat) severe dizziness trouble breathing This is not a …
Health topics
… or a doctor who shares information about the problem. Other groups focus on support. They often include only … you are. You'll see that you're not the only one and that others have the same feelings and challenges as you. Group … who has been trained to help others with the same type of problems. Because they know what you have gone through, they …
Health topics
… take out your uterus. Don't have surgery. You can choose another treatment, such as over-the-counter pain medicine, … are making it hard for you to get pregnant or if you have other symptoms that affect your quality of life, and other … But this type of surgery may increase your risk for certain problems during pregnancy. Taking out the uterus can cure …
Health topics
… harder to think clearly, manage how you feel, and work with other people. Sometimes you may feel helpless and hopeless. But you're not alone. Talking with others who suffer from these issues may help. And treatment … and Teens Bipolar Disorder in Children: Other Health Problems That May Occur Bipolar Disorder in Children: School …