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Health topics
… some of the common symptoms of respiratory illnesses. Chest Problems Coughs, Age 11 and Younger Coughs, Age 12 and Older Respiratory Problems, Age 11 and Younger Respiratory Problems, Age 12 and Older Other symptoms include: Collapsed Lung (Pneumothorax) …
Health topics
… in the proper position. Instrumentation without fusion is another type of surgery to straighten the spine. The doctor … of surgery? Risks of surgery to fix a spinal curve include: Problems that can happen with back surgery, such as nerve … about your child's chances of having problems from surgery. Other problems include lost time at school or at work for …
Health topics
… is an herb that people have used for centuries for sleep problems, migraines, fatigue, and stomach cramps. It comes … proof from science that taking valerian helps with these or other health problems. Risks Side effects from valerian are … with prescription and non-prescription medicines or other natural health products you might be taking. A side …
Health topics
… not being able to get pregnant. You may have fertility problems if you couldn't get pregnant after trying for at … drugs, or high doses of radiation. This includes cancer chemotherapy or radiation. Past infection with a sexually … Prevention Sometimes infertility is related to lifestyle or other health conditions. To help protect your fertility: …
Health topics
… and see" approach to surgery because the hernia doesn't bother you much. Key points to remember Hernias don't go away … and you don't have any symptoms, or if the symptoms don't bother you much, you and your doctor may simply continue to … put off surgery if: You are pregnant. You have other health problems that make surgery dangerous. Talk with your doctor …
Health topics
… More About It Check the Healthwise Knowledgebase. What do other books or articles say about the problem? Do you have a … care doctor you can contact? What advice or opinions have other people (lay or professional) offered to you? Step 3. … More About It Check the Healthwise Knowledgebase. What do other books or articles say about the problem? Do you have a …
Health topics
… It can cause serious heart, bone, lung, blood, and brain problems. What causes it? Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common causes. Other things that can lead to end-stage renal disease … Kidney transplant may be a good choice if you are in otherwise good health. If this is an option for you, you'll …
Health topics
… from Reye syndrome in a few weeks and have no lasting problems. What causes it? Experts don't know what causes … Sleepiness. As liver damage and brain damage get worse, other symptoms may develop, including: Confusion. Your child … (hyperventilation). Violent behaviour, such as hitting others without reason. Seizures and coma. If Reye syndrome …
Health topics
… the procedure. This medicine lowers your risk of a stroke. Other medicines to help prevent the return of heart rhythm problems (antiarrhythmics) also may be given before and … atrial fibrillation, what is causing it, and if you have another heart problem. If you take antiarrhythmic medicines …
… medication may also cause severe, possibly fatal, breathing problems. To lower your risk, your doctor should have you … than prescribed. Taking this medication with alcohol or other drugs that can cause drowsiness or breathing problems … rash itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat) severe dizziness trouble breathing This is not a …