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5640 results found
Medical tests
… that uses sound waves. It takes pictures of the organs and other structures in your body. It can be used in different … It may be used to find the cause of pain in your belly or another part of your body. Or it can be used to look for a … shape, and structure. No growths, tumours, fluid, or other problems are seen. No signs of disease, inflammation, or …
Health topics
… and emotional struggles. They also need interaction with other children and adults to help them learn self-control … behaviour. Teach children to understand the feelings of others (empathy). For example, asking "How do you think your … a misbehaving child is effective in curbing minor behaviour problems, such as whining or complaining. This technique …
Health topics
… records (EMRs) are electronic files that a doctor or other provider uses instead of paper files stored on … system. They can't usually be sent to or shared with other providers outside of that system, such as a lab or … health records (EHRs) are built to be shared with other health care providers who all use the same system. So …
Health topics
… appropriately. This type of training can reduce behaviour problems and improve adaptation skills. Both behavioural … and child care facilities—watching the behaviour of other normally developing children can provide examples for autistic children to follow. But other children are overstimulated in a regular classroom and …
Health topics
… and rust. If the equipment is in a public park, report any problems to the park's staff. Use swings that are made from … swing. Help your child learn to stay away from swings while others are using them. Make sure children go single-file up … your child exit the landing of the slide quickly, so that other children coming down the slide don't fall on your …
Health topics
… disabilities are less likely to be physically active than other children. An inactive lifestyle for these children can lead to other problems, including: Reduced fitness. Bone loss. Poor …
Medical tests
… Overview Myoglobin is a protein found in heart tissue and other muscles. It is released into the blood after damage to the heart or other muscles. Damage can occur from a serious event such as … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may …
Medical tests
… also checks your levels of protein, sugar, blood cells, or other substances in your urine. A urine test may be done to … The test can give information about your health and problems you may have. The kidneys take out waste material, minerals, fluids, and other substances from the blood to be passed in the urine. …
Medical tests
… blood vessels. Albumin also helps carry some medicines and other substances through the blood and is important for … gamma types. Some globulins are made by the liver, while others are made by the immune system . Certain globulins bind with hemoglobin . Other globulins transport metals, such as iron, in the blood …
Health topics
… caused by damage to the bile ducts in the liver. Much like other forms of liver disease, PBC permanently damages the … such as an ultrasound, which shows images of the liver and other tissues inside the body. Your doctor may also do a … because the immune system appears to be involved. As with other forms of liver disease, treatment focuses on reducing …