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5641 results found
Health topics
… spread easily in homes, daycare centres, schools, and other places where groups of people spend time together. So if one person in your family has pinworms, others probably do too. It's possible to get pinworms by … don't carry disease, and they rarely cause serious health problems. Sometimes people get a skin infection from …
Health topics
… about ringworm of the scalp or beard. To learn more about other fungal infections, see the topics: Athlete's Foot . … means they don't have symptoms but can pass ringworm to others. What does ringworm of the scalp or beard look like? … like blisters. Ringworm spreads easily from one person to another. If anyone in your family has the symptoms listed …
Health topics
… problem that happens when one eye is weaker than the other. The brain chooses to take in images only from the … that they are using only one eye. Give comfort and support. Other children might make fun of a child who has to wear a … child's progress toward the reward. Encourage support from others. Offer suggestions to family, friends, and classmates …
Health topics
… your baby an unneeded supplement can create the following problems: Baby feels full and will not breastfeed very well. … the more milk you make (supply). A baby who fills up with other foods like formula will not demand enough and your … on more difficult for the baby. Nipple confusion. If other liquids such formula or water are given by bottle, …
Medical tests
… baby ( fetus ) in the uterus . Amniotic fluid has cells and other substances that can give clues about the health of … and size of chromosomes . This can show if there are any problems that put the baby at risk for certain conditions, … the doctor will take the needle out and try again in another spot. The doctor will take about 30 mL (2 Tbsp) of …
Health topics
… If you are afraid that you may gain weight or develop other problems, you may not eat enough food. After you accept your … to do is fit them into your meal or snack plan. Talk with other people who successfully follow the diet for diabetes. …
HealthLinkBC files
… It is important to prevent these bacteria from spreading to other individuals, especially in hospitals and health care … infection in healthy people. If they spread from the gut to other parts of the body such as the blood, lungs, or … or had health care outside of Canada. CPO rarely cause problems or infections outside of hospitals. What are my …
Health topics
… for your blood to clot. That means it can cause bleeding problems. So it's important to know how to take it safely. Foods and other medicines can affect the way warfarin works. Some can make warfarin work too well, which can cause bleeding. Others can make it work poorly, so that it doesn't prevent …
Health topics
… of breast cancer. It is often called IBC for short. Unlike other breast cancers, this type of cancer may not cause a … But this type of cancer is rare. It may be mistaken for another problem, like mastitis. Mastitis is usually treated … treated? Treatment is based on the stage of the cancer and other things, such as your overall health. It's important to …
Health topics
… is thought to help prevent constipation and its related problems. It may lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol … fibre in each serving. Buy bread that lists whole wheat (or other whole grains), stone-ground wheat, or cracked wheat as … carrots, corn, peas, and beans. Eat cooked dry beans and other legumes. Beans (navy, pinto, black, kidney, lima, …