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5641 results found
Health topics
… numbness, or tingling; leg pain, numbness, or tingling; or problems with bladder or bowel control. In these cases, … not help the neck pain itself, but it usually helps relieve other symptoms. To relieve the pressure, your doctor may … not help the neck pain itself, but it usually helps relieve other symptoms. To relieve the pressure, your doctor may …
Health topics
… science that using tea tree oil is helpful with these or other health problems. Risks Tea tree oil applied to the skin is thought … science that using tea tree oil is helpful with these or other health problems. Risks Tea tree oil applied to the …
Health topics
… morning than younger children do. This pattern can cause problems, because school schedules often require that teens … your teen to turn off the TV, computer, cell phone, and other screens. Growth and Development, … your teen to turn off the TV, computer, cell phone, and other screens. Growth and Development, …
Health topics
… Also by age 16, teens can learn to process more complex problems and to develop and test theories. They are better … than what is expected by adults. Teens understand that others have differing viewpoints. But they often firmly … than what is expected by adults. Teens understand that others have differing viewpoints. But they often firmly …
Medical tests
… to see how well your lungs work. The tests can find lung problems, measure how serious they are, and check to see how … are measured directly in some tests and are calculated in others. No single test can check for all of the lung … tests Gas diffusion tests measure the amount of oxygen and other gases that move through the lungs' air sacs ( alveoli …
Health topics
… know why that matters, ask for a clerk who does or try another store. Choose shoes made of comfortable materials. … pavement or cold weather. Get special help if you have foot problems. Some medical supply shops specialize in designing … with diabetes who have pressure injuries on their feet or other foot problems. If you need custom shoes, ask your …
Health topics
… this procedure. You and your doctor may talk about a few other things to help decide if the procedure is right for … the procedure Risks during the procedure aren't common. But problems can include injury to the heart and stroke. … The valve can become narrow again. You may choose to have another valvuloplasty or valve replacement surgery. …
Medical tests
… in a 24-hour sample of urine. The cortisol level may show problems with the adrenal glands or the pituitary gland . … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may …
Health topics
… you are probably taking medicines for your heart and for other health reasons. Some prescribed medicines can change … may lower your blood pressure or cause heart rhythm problems. These medicines are generally not prescribed for … you are probably taking medicines for your heart and for other health reasons. Some prescribed medicines can change …
… is used to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy. It works by blocking a natural substance in the … rash itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat) severe dizziness trouble breathing This is not a … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before …