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Health topics
… trich, but most people don't have symptoms. Trich can cause problems during pregnancy. What causes it? Trich is caused … again. So take steps to reduce your risk for trich and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If symptoms … again. So take steps to reduce your risk for trich and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If symptoms …
Health topics
… you avoid falls. Ask your doctor if working with a physiotherapist or occupational therapist would help you prevent … Call the nurse for help. If you are on crutches or have other problems that make walking difficult, call the nurse for …
Health topics
… are severe and disabling, talk to your doctor about other possible treatments: Light therapy uses regular doses … birth defects. But not treating depression can also cause problems during pregnancy and birth. If you become pregnant, … are severe and disabling, talk to your doctor about other possible treatments: Light therapy uses regular doses …
Health topics
… long as 6 months. Learn more Achilles Tendon Injury: Physiotherapy and Rehab Why It Is Done This surgery is done to … surgery than with percutaneous surgery. The small risk of other complications is about the same with either open or percutaneous surgery. And most problems go away over time. These complications include …
Health topics
… A cancer that has spread (metastasized) to the lung from another part of the body. A growth that isn't cancer. An … shape, location, and number of nodules you have. Order other tests, if needed, such as: Blood tests. They can help … This test can find out if the nodule might be cancer or another problem. What puts you at risk? Your doctor will look …
Health topics
… example, eat meals at regular times, and make exercise or other physical activity a part of your daily schedule. You might also practice meditation or another relaxation technique each night before bed. Don't use … It helps you to avoid taking risks or having to face problems caused by a manic episode. If you have concerns …
Health topics
… surgeon makes one or two more small incisions for inserting other surgical tools. If your doctor recommends a … the internal organs to look for signs of endometriosis and other possible problems. This is the only way that the doctor can be sure …
Health topics
… of surgery, the doctor puts a lighted tube, or scope, and other surgical tools through small cuts in your belly. The … varicocele repair produces favourable pregnancy rates. But others have noted that these pregnancy rates are the same as … of surgery, the doctor puts a lighted tube, or scope, and other surgical tools through small cuts in your belly. The …
Medical tests
… also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may … ulcers , colon polyps , colon cancer , hemorrhoids , or other conditions). In rare cases, too much iron may be lost … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may …
Health topics
… people who have NAFLD also have one or more of these health problems. But NAFLD can occur in people who have none of … CT scan , or an MRI . Testing can help the doctor rule out other possible causes of fat in the liver. These include heavy alcohol use, certain medicines, and other liver diseases. A special type of ultrasound or MRI …