5641 results found
Health topics
… to get infected. Working or living in nursing homes or other care centres where people may have poor bowel control … for the infection to develop. You can pass the infection to others during the entire time you are infected. You may be … dehydrated quickly. Talk to your doctor if you are having problems with milk and milk products. Some people with …
Health topics
… parent of providing supervision will be fairly easy. On the other hand, teenage rebellion is normal. To rebel, teens with diabetes may: Skip doses of insulin or other diabetes medicine. Eat high-fat, high-calorie meals. … to take control of their care. This transition will be smoother if you encourage your teen to take on more and more …
Health topics
… and who are able to exercise for a longer time than other people with COPD. Certain other serious medical problems. For other people LVRS, compared to medical …
Health topics
… is an undescended testicle? As a baby boy grows inside his mother, he develops testicles . Early in his development, his … the symptoms? An undescended testicle doesn't cause pain or other symptoms. The scrotum may look a little smoother or … Hypospadias Infertility Inguinal Hernia Male Genital Problems and Injuries Testicular Cancer Testicular …
Health topics
… The doctor also may ask questions to find out if you have other health conditions, like depression. What puts you at … to feel something. Are really stressed or anxious about problems at work or at home. Have low self-esteem. Have a … (swimming, gym class). Lots of bracelets, wristbands, or other jewellery on large areas of their arms. These may be …
Health topics
… recommends. Be sure to tell your doctor if you still have problems after your treatment. Your doctor may adjust your … else that you enjoy. Use deep breathing, guided imagery, or other relaxation techniques. Take care of yourself if you … increase the amount of fluids you drink. Choose water and other clear liquids until you feel better. Try clear fluids, …
Health topics
… flossing your child's teeth as soon as they touch each other. You may find plastic flossing tools helpful. Talk … Dental Association (2009). ADA policy on cigarettes and other tobacco products. Available online: … Dental Association (2009). ADA policy on cigarettes and other tobacco products. Available online: …
Health topics
… will go into remission. It happens for some people and not others, even if they have the same diet, exercise, weight … main source of fuel—affects blood sugar more than any other nutrient. Carbohydrate is in fruits, vegetables, milk, … Walking is a good choice. You also may want to do other activities, such as running, swimming, cycling, or …
Health topics
… you of what happened. Avoid your friends, family, and other people. Have trouble sleeping or have nightmares. Feel numb or feel nothing at all. Have relationship problems. Think about death or killing yourself. Some people try to deal with their feelings by pulling away from other people, working all the time, or using alcohol or …
Health topics
… think: The person is going to harm himself or herself or others. For example, the person has a written plan or a … Help the person set up and get to visits with a doctor or other health professional. Help the person manage medicines. … help themselves. Take some time off. Don't do it alone. Ask others to help you, or join a support group. The more …