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Health topics
… called primary Raynaud's.) Raynaud's may be a symptom of another disease, such as lupus , scleroderma , rheumatoid … restricts blood flow to the skin more than it needs to. Other triggers can include emotional stress and things that … you have Raynaud's. But your doctor may do a blood test or other tests to rule out diseases that may be causing your …
Health topics
… or longer. After a cluster period ends, you may not get another headache for months or even years. As you get older, … it's not clear why some people get cluster headaches and others don't. What are the symptoms? The main symptom of … headaches. Triggers include: Drinking alcohol. Sleep problems. It's best if you go to bed and wake up at the same …
Health topics
… about your outdoor activities, work, and hobbies and about other rashes you've had. How is a poison ivy, oak, or sumac … Use a brush to clean under your nails. Wash any clothing or other items that might have the oil on them. Do it right … about your outdoor activities, work, and hobbies and about other rashes you've had. How is a poison ivy, oak, or sumac …
Health topics
… (Benadryl) can make you feel sleepy and cause other side effects. They may not be safe for children … younger than age 6 or for people who have certain health problems. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all … If the itching is severe and it interferes with sleep or other activities for more than 2 days, call your doctor to …
Health topics
… active. Managing stress. Taking your medicines. Managing other health problems. You may also receive vocational rehab so you can … such as lifting and increases your endurance capacity for other activities. Do not start a strength-training program …
HealthLinkBC files
… hard to detect. Mild hearing loss is sometimes mistaken for other concerns, and it may cause a child to appear … detects fluid in the middle ear. This test can also detect other problems of the middle ear Otoacoustic Emissions (called …
Health topics
… sleep regularly. For more information, please visit: Sleep Problems Sleeping Better Sleep and Your Health Insomnia: … fatty acids, found in fish, many nuts and seeds, and other foods. Blood flow to the brain provides the essential … foods, vegetables and fruit to reduce the risk of heart and other diseases that may affect brain activity For more …
Health topics
… test positive or who are at high risk for reinfection, another screening in the third trimester may be done. Anyone … have: A new sex partner or partners. A sex partner who has other partners. Anyone who is bisexual or transgender or who … 4 Health Screening: Finding Health Problems Early Sexually Transmitted Infections …
Health topics
… to a relative's home, to a rehabilitation facility, or to another health care setting, your plan outlines the care you … planner can tell you why you are going home or to another health care setting and why your care is changing. You … as on-site or by mail order or delivery. If there are any problems with using any medical equipment. How easy it is …
Health topics
… test learning and memory. How quickly the player can solve problems. Doctors and other concussion specialists agree that a player must not … aerobic activity. This can include walking, swimming, or other exercise at less than 70% maximum heart rate. No …