1007 results found
Healthy eating
… a variety of foods that provide the calories, protein, vitamins and minerals you need to stay well-nourished. Foods … For more information on healthy eating, see Additional Resources. Eat foods that help you maintain your weight. … peanut or other nut butters, and dried fruit. Include good sources of protein with meals and snacks. Eating enough …
Health topics
… you can do to build and strengthen your bones: Get enough calcium and vitamin D. Eat foods rich in calcium, like yogurt, cheese, milk, and dark green …
Health topics
… natural health products? You can usually get all of your vitamins and minerals by eating a heart-healthy diet that is … might change your dietary needs for potassium, magnesium, calcium, and zinc. Ask your doctor if you should take … to retain the potassium you are consuming. Good food sources of magnesium include seeds, nuts, legumes, unmilled …
Healthy eating
… coloured vegetables and fruits. An antioxidant can be a vitamin, mineral, or phytochemical (a naturally occurring … health. Here are some common antioxidants and their food sources: Vitamin C is found in guava, peppers (red, yellow, … grain whole wheat. Some other antioxidants and their food sources include: Co-enzyme Q10: meat, poultry, fish, olive …
Medical tests
… hyperparathyroidism , to find the cause of abnormal calcium levels, or to check the status of chronic kidney disease. PTH controls calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood. PTH is made by … of calcium released by the kidneys into the urine. Also, vitamin D is converted to a more active form, causing the …
… health needs. Uses Calcitriol is a man-made active form of vitamin D (vitamin D3). Vitamin D is a vitamin stored in the … with long-term kidney dialysis, such as low levels of calcium or high levels of parathyroid hormone. Calcitriol is … parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels and increasing blood calcium levels. How To Use This medication is given by …
Medical tests
… The amount of phosphate in the blood affects the level of calcium in the blood. Calcium and phosphate in the body react in opposite ways: as … in your blood. When the phosphorus level is measured, a vitamin D level, and sometimes a PTH level, is measured at …
… health needs. Uses Calcitriol is a man-made active form of vitamin D. Most people get enough vitamin D from exposure to … hormone and the levels of certain minerals (such as calcium, phosphorus) that are needed for building and … is also used to prevent and treat certain types of calcium/phosphorus/parathyroid problems that can happen with …
Healthy eating
… to your diet. Eating protein from a wide variety of food sources will help you meet your needs for nutrients like iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and calcium. Plan your meals based on Canada’s Food Guide …
Health topics
… Have a support network. Seek help as needed. Get enough calcium and vitamin D. Eat foods that are rich in calcium. This can help lower your risk of osteoporosis and …