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3880 results found
Health topics
… organs. A migraine headache . A heart attack . A head injury. Alcohol or drug use or withdrawal. Eating disorders, … older, these are the ranges for high, moderate, and mild, according to how you took the temperature. Oral (by mouth) … to wake up. Not responding when being touched or talked to. Breathing much faster than usual. Acting confused. The child …
Health topics
… it can help your symptoms. Try these home treatment tips: Practice "double voiding." Urinate as much as you can. Then … concerns, and next steps. Your Summary Here's a record of your answers. You can use it to talk with your … them. Enlarged Prostate: Should I Have Surgery? Here's a record of your answers. You can use it to talk with your …
Medical tests
… An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain. Special sensors … is normal. It will go away a few minutes after you start breathing normally again. Risks An EEG is a very safe test. … These changes may be caused by a brain tumour, infection, injury, stroke , or epilepsy . When a person has epilepsy, …
… stomach pain, drowsiness, muscle aches or weakness, trouble breathing (such as rapid breathing or very shallow breathing), or fast or irregular … with others. To avoid spreading hepatitis B to others, practice "safer sex" and always use an effective barrier …
Health topics
… especially when you're active. You may have trouble breathing at night. You may feel tired and weak. Some people … active. Fatigue and weakness. Fainting ( syncope ). Trouble breathing at night. Swelling in the legs and sometimes the … if you think you are having a problem with your medicine. Practice good dental hygiene and have regular checkups. Good …
Health topics
… place where you feel secure makes this easier. You also may practice different ways to relax when you're having a stressful memory. Breathing exercises are sometimes used for this. What is … ways to relax when you're having a stressful memory. Breathing exercises are sometimes used for this. What is …
Health topics
… guided imagery on your own. Or you can do it with audio recordings, an instructor, or scripts to lead you through the … process. Do something you enjoy. Read or work on a hobby. Practice gratitude. Being thankful is linked to well-being. … Relax your mind and body through techniques such as deep breathing and guided imagery. Talk about how you are …
Health topics
… swelling. Discoloration of the skin. Difficult or rapid breathing. Changes in heart rate or rhythm. Metallic, … or the bite area. Swelling in lymph nodes near the bite injury. Signs of shock . If you think you have been bitten … or the bite area. Swelling in lymph nodes near the bite injury. Signs of shock . If you think you have been bitten …
Health topics
… Professionals (ARHP) Resource Review Tool. Training and practice sessions were provided for all those who … of Physical Therapy, UBC Gregory Noonan, Physiotherapy Practice Coordinator, Vancouver Coastal Health Alison Hoens, …
Health topics
… hear in the same way. A person's interpretation may vary according to personal values, beliefs, and past experiences. … speaker. Practicing active listening Active listening takes practice. When you want to actively listen to someone, use … hear in the same way. A person's interpretation may vary according to personal values, beliefs, and past experiences. …