6360 results found
Medical tests
… A complete blood count (CBC) gives important information about the kinds and numbers of cells in the blood, … cells , white blood cells , and platelets . A CBC helps your doctor check any symptoms that you may have, such as … ), severe physical or emotional stress (such as a fever, injury, or surgery), kidney failure, lupus , tuberculosis …
Health topics
… headache may cause pain or a feeling of pressure all over your head. Sometimes it's hard to know where the centre of … by doing a physical examination and asking questions about how often the headaches happen, what the symptoms are, … Neck strain from poor posture, your work environment, or injury. Strain in the chewing muscles of your jaw. This can …
Health topics
… when you are exposed to cold air, water, wind, or rain. Your body temperature can drop to a low level at … moderate hypothermia recover completely without permanent injury. Recovery is harder for babies and older, ill, or … moderate hypothermia recover completely without permanent injury. Recovery is harder for babies and older, ill, or …
… is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This information does not assure that … medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … walking, or falling may occur. To reduce the risk of injury from falling, take this medication right before going …
Health topics
… surgery. After the surgery, you can't put anything in your vagina. So the type of sex you have may change. The surgeon removes the entire … probably be able to return to your normal activities in about 4 weeks, but this can vary widely. Avoid strenuous …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … infection, paralytic ileus) brain disorders (such as brain injury, tumor, increased intracranial pressure, seizures) … disorders (such as depression, psychosis) a certain spinal problem (kyphoscoliosis) gallbladder disease personal …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … Addison's disease) brain disorders (such as seizures, head injury, tumor, increased intracranial pressure) heart … mental/mood disorders (such as toxic psychosis) a certain spinal problem (kyphoscoliosis) stomach/intestinal problems …
Health topics
… or other health hazards could be making you sick, talk to your doctor. How is it diagnosed? An environmental illness … worse. An exposure history, which is a set of questions about your home, workplace, habits, jobs, lifestyle, and … to polychlorinated biphenyls and p,p'-DDE and sperm sex-chromosome disomy. Environmental Health Perspectives , …
… is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This information does not assure that … medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … health needs. Uses Sildenafil is used to treat male sexual function problems (impotence or erectile …
Health topics
… page: Overview Health Tools Cause Symptoms What Increases Your Risk When To Call Examinations and Tests Treatment … examination and listen to your lungs. Ask you questions about your past health and whether you smoke or have been … breathing occurs. This means a person may have trouble talking in full sentences or breathing during activity. …