6360 results found
… is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This information does not assure that … medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … heartbeat easy bleeding/bruising decreased interest in sex changes in sexual ability problems beginning the flow of …
Health topics
… for the development of the cell. You inherit half of your genetic information from your mother and the other half … comes from the father. One of the 23 pairs determines your sex. These sex chromosomes are called X and Y. For a child … the pros and cons of testing, but you make the decision about whether to have the test. A genetic counsellor can …
Health topics
… to get a naloxone kit and how it works, reducing stigma and talking to youth about substance use. QuitNow Provides … e-cigarettes. It supports you if you want to quit or reduce your use. Trained quit coaches work with you one-on-one to … First Nation, Inuit, Metis and urban Indigenous leaders, partners, community members and health care providers. They …
Health topics
… and temperature. Knowing the ranges for vital signs for your child can help you notice problems early or relieve concerns you may have about how your child is doing. 0 to 12 months old Vital … what is high blood pressure depends on your child's age, sex, and height. footnote 3 Temperature This is measured in …
Health topics
… If you think you may have anxiety or depression, talk with your doctor. If you treat these conditions, you may get … Neck strain from poor posture, your work environment, or injury. Strain in the chewing muscles of your jaw. This can … Neck strain from poor posture, your work environment, or injury. Strain in the chewing muscles of your jaw. This can …
Health topics
… you take one time. After you swallow it, it is taken up by your thyroid gland . Depending on the dosage used, the … in the iodine destroys most or all of the tissue in your thyroid gland, but it does not harm any other parts of … safe. You will be told to avoid close contact, kissing, sex, and sharing cups, dishes, or utensils. Some general …
Health topics
… hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine does not increase your chances of getting thyroid cancer. What To Expect Most … few days after treatment, the radioactive iodine will leave your body in your urine and saliva. How long it takes will … safe. You will be told to avoid close contact, kissing, sex, and sharing cups, dishes, or utensils. Some general …
Health topics
… it comes to eating well and being physically active. Learn about cancer prevention, treatment, and survivorship, and … Healthy eating advice is the same whether you want to lower your risk of getting cancer or are a cancer survivor and … exercise, and more for people with prostate cancer, their partners and families. InspireHealth Supportive Cancer Care …
Health topics
… does not happen in a step-by-step or orderly fashion. Give yourself all the time you need to identify, accept, and … is a good way to identify what you are feeling. Writing about what you feel can: Stimulate thinking and help you … be quiet around or avoid people. If you are having trouble talking about your feelings with family members and friends, …
… is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This information does not assure that … medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … 4 weeks after stopping treatment. Male patients with female partners should ask about reliable forms of birth control …