6360 results found
Health topics
… is a shoulder SLAP tear? A SLAP tear is a specific kind of injury to your shoulder. To help make your shoulder more stable, there … the part of the labrum that is injured, or torn, in a SLAP injury . What causes it? A shoulder SLAP tear is when the …
Health topics
… this amount of bleeding may be alarming, many times the injury is not severe and the bleeding will stop with … When emergency treatment is necessary If a cut from a head injury is deep enough to have penetrated the skull, … a minor wound Before you try to stop the bleeding: Wash your hands well with soap and water (if available). If …
Health topics
… You can get swimmer's ear when bacteria or fungus grows in your ear canal. This happens when water, sand, or other … ear, and a yellowish or brownish discharge from the ear. Your ear canal may be swollen. In severe cases, the outer … swimmer's ear by looking into your ear and asking questions about your symptoms. How is swimmer's ear treated? Follow …
Health topics
… pain Managing pain is not easy. But it is essential to your quality of life. For example, pain can make you feel tired or depressed. It can also make it hard for your body to heal. Almost always, pain can be controlled … are specially trained to treat physical pain. They know about the medicines to control various types of pain. …
Health topics
… for keeping up their energy and their milk production. Help yourself sleep well Avoid or limit caffeine, especially in … may be able to collect and store breast milk so that your partner can feed the baby while you sleep. Because both you … pumping breast milk. Experts usually recommend waiting about a month until breastfeeding is going well before …
Health topics
… , you may be scared and worried about how it may change your life, work, and relationships. It's hard to know how … activities, and medicine affect your pain. Having a record of your pain can help you and your doctor find the best … may be dealing with some of the same emotions as you are. Talking is a great way for each of you to share your …
Health topics
… 27, 2025 Overview Sometimes it's not easy to make decisions about your health. Taking an active role in learning about your … Tracking Forms and Checklists Organizing Your Medical Records Self-care Learning about self-care is one of the best …
Health topics
… to take opioids, here are some things to remember. Keep your doctor informed. You can develop opioid use disorder. … The risk is higher if you have a history of substance use. Your doctor will monitor you closely for signs of opioid use … while you take them. Talk with your doctor or pharmacist about when it is safe to drive. Reduce the risk of drug …
Health topics
… bigger. To make sure that warfarin is effectively thinning your blood, it's important to eat about the same amount of vitamin K every day. Here's why: … that contains vitamin K, don't stop taking it without talking with your doctor first. Foods that are sources of …
Health topics
… day. Feel tired and grumpy during the day. Teenagers need about 10 hours of sleep each night. Tips to help your teen If your teen is showing signs of not getting enough sleep, you …