6360 results found
Health topics
… to Expect Treatment Overview Sometimes your digestive system isn't able to process foods. Total … the digestive tract. You may need TPN if you: Have an injury to or had part of your intestines removed. Have a … the digestive tract. You may need TPN if you: Have an injury to or had part of your intestines removed. Have a …
Health topics
… shoulder pain that does not change when you move your neck, shoulder, or arm or that occurs with symptoms elsewhere in your body (such as in your abdomen or chest) may be referred shoulder pain. …
Health topics
… involves rehabilitation. But rehab varies depending on the injury, the type of surgery, and your doctor's preference. In general, meniscus surgery is … involves rehabilitation. But rehab varies depending on the injury, the type of surgery, and your doctor's preference. …
Medical tests
… gastrointestinal (or GI) endoscopy is a test that allows your doctor to look at the inside of your esophagus, … and duodenum. Endoscopy may also be done to: Check for an injury to the esophagus in an emergency. (For example, this … and drowsy during the test. You may not remember much about the actual test. You will be asked to lie on your left …
Health topics
… stimulate the body for 3 to 7 hours and can interfere with your sleep as long as it remains in your body. Even the small amount of caffeine in … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… have a known cause. But they often result from severe head injury, stroke, brain tumour, brain infections, scar tissue, … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information … have a known cause. But they often result from severe head injury, stroke, brain tumour, brain infections, scar tissue, …
Health topics
… or the bite area. Swelling in lymph nodes near the bite injury. Signs of shock . If you think you have been bitten … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information … or the bite area. Swelling in lymph nodes near the bite injury. Signs of shock . If you think you have been bitten …
Health topics
… either red, green, or blue light. You see colour when your cone cells sense different amounts of these three basic … macular degeneration, cataracts, or diabetic retinopathy. Injury to the eye. Side effects of some medicines. What are … another type of test, you arrange coloured chips in order according to how similar the colours are. People with colour …
Medical tests
… alcohol test measures the amount of alcohol (ethanol) in your body. Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the blood and … amount of alcohol in the blood reaches its highest level about an hour after drinking. But food in the stomach may … the alcohol and lowers the blood alcohol level. Your sex. Women's bodies usually have less water and more fat …
Health topics
… lengths at birth and grow at different rates. As you bathe your baby, check the length of his or her nails. Trim the … scratching. A baby's nails can be clipped or cut. Clip your baby's nails after his or her bath when they are … foot with one hand, securing the finger or toe of the nail about to be cut. Place the blade of the clippers or scissors …