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6358 results found
Health topics
… charts, plans, and self-tests to help you keep track of your health. Use the sleep diary to find out more about what affects your sleep patterns. Print off a form … Home Vertigo: Checklist for the Home Diaries, Charts, and Records Alcohol Use: Identifying Reasons to Cut Down On or …
Medical tests
… An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain. Special sensors called electrodes are attached … These changes may be caused by a brain tumour, infection, injury, stroke , or epilepsy . When a person has epilepsy, …
Health topics
… is a mental health disorder. Many people believe things about mental health disorders that aren't true. Here are some myths about PTSD. Myth: PTSD is in your head. It does not exist. PTSD does exist. It is a … what is happening. These events include violent crimes, sexual assaults, childhood neglect or abuse, and natural …
Health topics
… health professionals. Each will have a specific role in your rehab. While you are in rehab, make sure to stay in touch with your doctor or other health professionals who can keep track … practitioner They manage your medical care. Regular visits (about 2 to 4 each year) Cardiologist, internist Heart …
Health topics
… intestine doesn't make enough of an enzyme called lactase . Your body needs lactase to break down, or digest, lactose. … Symptoms of lactose intolerance can be mild to severe. Your symptoms may depend on how much lactase your body … tell if you have lactose intolerance by asking questions about your symptoms. You may be asked to avoid dairy …
Health topics
… dandruff include white, oily-looking flakes of dead skin in your hair and on your shoulders and an itchy, scaling scalp. Your scalp can … anti-dandruff shampoos with regular ones if you are worried about the effects of anti-dandruff shampoos' harsh chemicals …
Health topics
… and Avoiding Triggers Actionset Overview This topic is about finding and avoiding triggers for tension headaches . … get them—by finding out what things, or triggers, bring on your headaches. You can try to avoid triggers to prevent … To prevent headaches: Use a headache diary to find your triggers. Manage stress. Seek treatment if you have …
Health topics
… as menstrual-like cramps, leaking or gushing of fluid from your vagina, or regular contractions. This means about 6 or more contractions in 1 hour, even after you've … If you have symptoms of preterm labour, both you and your baby will be examined and monitored. You may have urine …
Health topics
… . The median nerve passes through the carpal tunnel in your wrist. This pressure leads to symptoms. Anything that … likely to cause pressure. These include: Movements in which your wrists are bent. Movements that are done in awkward … routines at home, at work, or while doing hobbies, think about changing activities in which you make repeated finger, …
Health topics
… or lumps in the thyroid gland . This gland controls how your body uses energy. Most thyroid nodules are not cancer … When this happens, you may need treatment. What increases your risk for thyroid nodules? You are more likely to … examination and will ask you if you have symptoms or about any changes in how you've been feeling. You may have …